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Gerard showed up to school with greasy hair and a cup of coffee. I could see him walking through the autumn leaves with Mikey trailing behind him. Mikey just kept staring down at this book and then looking up at where he was going. "Hey guys how's it going" I asked trying act calm and cool but on the inside I was screaming "JESUS GERARD CAN YOU TRY TO BE LESS ATTRACTIVE SO I DONT FAINT!". "Hi Frank" Gerard quietly said. "Uh Mikey what's so important in that book?" I asked looking over his shoulder at the book. "Uh nothing it's just something I picked up at the bookstore I work at" he said slamming it closed. I also noticed Gerard was wearing a different outfit today. He looked more..more...well..dead I guess. "Gerard why do you look like you just crawled out of a coffin?" I asked in the nicest way possible. "Frankie I'm not dead..I only dress that way" he said fixing his red tie. "Well I like it...can I try to dress up with you?". The moment I said that I regretted it. Well that sounds very weird. "Hey Gerard can i dress like you because I want to make out with you?" What kind of idiot am i? "Yeah Gerard I think you look pretty cool too? Can I try?" Mikey chimed in. "Are you guys saying you want a makeover?" Gerard turned to us. "Well...e-essentially...yes I guess we are..." I said looking down thinking my life was going to end in ten seconds. "Sure...Frank come by after school and Ill see what I can do" Gerard said walking into the school. "Uh o-okay bye" I said watching him walk into his first class.
*fastforward to the end of school*
"So um what look are you guys exactly aiming for?" Gerard asked when we were walking to his house. " I don't know...." I said thinking about what I was really doing in the first place. "Well honestly I was just gonna let you go crazy and do what you thought was best...what about you Frank?" Mikey said looking up at me. "I- uh- yeah I was just gonna let you do what you thought was best" I said awkwardly. "Okay guys..I Hope you like like black, red, and gray because those are the only colors you'll have" He said taking out a sketch pad. "Um yeah sounds pretty rad to me" I said nodding my head towards Mikey. We got to the house and Gerard said he had to draw something out first. "We should see if Ray wants to get in on this makeover" Mikey said pulling out his phone to call Ray. "Yeah good idea". I knew I hadn't seen Ray and Mikey together very much but I knew that they had the biggest crush on each other just from looking at their body language and eye contact. "Hey Gerard! Ray wants in!" Mikey yelled from where we were to Gerard. Gerard let out a sarcastic sigh and said, "I'll just wing his" with a smile. You could tell that he was happy that someone respected the way he dressed or the choices he made. He likes feelings that he's never felt before. When Ray got here Gerard told us that he was ready. "Okay Mikey your outfit is right here, Frank this is yours, and Ray this is yours" Gerard pointed to different groups of clothing. "You guys can just change in here while I get the make up ready. Okay I was very gay and I had to get changed in a room full of attractive men. This was not going to be easy. I tried to just focus on putting on the clothes but it was so hard not to let my eyes wander. Mikey was pale and skinny and I noticed scars on his ribs. Ray's arms were solid from playing guitar I assume. I could tell that they were trying just as hard as I was to keep their eyes off of each other as I was. They exchanged a few awkward glances as Mikey reaches for the jeans that were close to Ray's pile of clothes. As I put my tie on I noticed Gerard staring at me in the mirror. As soon as my eyes met his he looked back down at the makeup. Mikey had a bandana wrapped around his neck and a long coat with a popped collar, Ray had a vest on with a red shirt under it, and I was wearing a black suit with a striped red tie kinda like what Gerard had been wearing. Gerard sat us all down and got his makeup ready. "This is going to be fun" Gerard said as he began on our faces.

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