Ch.3- Low rent for payment

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Brandy- After met The Jackson's down Motown they let us stay with them since there's no where else to live.

"So Brandy,how did you meet them?c Jackie asked me.

"I met them during at school and Nina did teleport us back to 1996." I replied.

"I remember when they traveled back in time to meet us from 2016." Marlon smiled as he flash back to remember them coming to meet them.

Suddenly, the lights began to flicker and went out.

"Alright, I think their is something wrong with the cable and light bill." Tito said, as he went to try the light switch but it wouldn't work.

"Man, why does the light bill have to be so high when we don't have enough money to pay. We haven't been on tour to get any money to spend on any items." Michael folded his arms and sighed.

"How come you can't make money other than performing?" Kaleigh asked.

"It's not easy when technology like today Monkey. You have to work your butt off to get as much cash that you can possibly earn. Besides money is like power and that will become a low  rent for payment if you don't use it wisely. Jackie explained.

"That's true because back then it was hard for people to earn money by offering as many jobs." Vashaun said and we agreed.

"How are we going to see in the dark?" Nina asked.

"Don't worry we got flashlights with us in case of a black out." Randy says, as he went to the kitchen to take out 5 flashlights.

"No wonder they're called the Jackson's because it's 5 of them with 5 flashlights." Charlie said chuckling.

"Yeah, except that Jermaine isn't here to see us and he hasn't met Kaleigh or Brandy." Nina said, as she ate a piece of her sandwich.

"That's right. Where is he?"

"Jermaine got married to Berry Gordon's daughter." Michael replied, as his expression went to sadness.

"Guys don't mention about him or Michael will get emotional that his brother got married." Nina whispers to us.

"Sorry Michael. "

"It's okay, I'm just glad that its you two girls coming to Motown for the first time." He smiled as Kaleigh and Brandy grinned back.

"Kaleigh, you need to apologise to Michael for calling him a 'Rape' earlier." Nina scolded her as she pushed her towards where Michael sat on the couch.

"Michael? "Kaleigh asked.

"Yes Monkey?" He asked smiling a little.

"I'm.........sorry for calling you a Rape." Kaleigh apologised.

"I forgive you. But why would-" Charlie cuts in.

"Okay! We need to something about this payment going on since you guys are having trouble with money business." Charlie said.

"How do you think we should do about it?" Randy asked.

"Other than dancing and singing; how about we work for some place that has been shut down?" Marlon suggests.

We all look at each other to think about it.


"To much work."Marlon said.

"People will be wondering why are the Jackson's workin' instead of creating they're next album." Jackie disagrees.

"We'll think of something in the morning." Tito said.

"Right'cha are Tito because it's time for bed." Nina agreed. She then stood up to head into one of the brothers rooms.

"Nina it's 8:06 a.m. you can still stay up with us. " Randy corrected her as she turned around with a sleepy look.

"I'M SLEEPY!"She yelled whining as we giggle.

"I'll be right you guys. " Michael got up to follow Nina until she return back in here with.

"I thought you said you were sleepy?" Vashaun asked her.

"I am. I just realised that I remember these Jackson brothers bringing girls in the hotel room with them to get down dirty. Nah uh, it ain't gonna happen to me so I'll end up pregnant by them except for Michael. "She said,  as she layed down on the couch to rest her body.

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