I wanted to put on a show for my boyfriend to prove I'm a better star than that brat is.
"Tatum O'Neal? "Berry called as I walked on stage to sing the song of my choice.
Song: Sit Still, Look Pretty
I'm so nervous to sing in front of Berry that my heart is pumping so fast. Tatum's scheme plan won't be a biggie when I do my best for this show.
"Fantastic! Your in the talent show." Berry said as Tatum came backstage and sent me a cold glare.
'Beat that.' She mouthed.
I sighed as I heard, "Nina?"
I ran on stage as I waved a Berry saying, "Thank you for making me come here, Berry."
"You too. What talent do you have?" He asked.
"Singing." I replied.
"Go on." He motion me to sing the song I have chosen.
Song: Going Under
This girls voice reminds me of how I chosen singers to perform in Motown. Perhaps, she may be the next one to become a star. As her song ended I applause.
"Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful. " I clapped as she blushed.
"T- Thank you. "She said.
"Your in the show. Can't wait to see you there." I grinned as she smiled and went off stage.
3rd person
Back in the stage area, Tatum heard Berry clapping upon Nina. Jealousy was turning more into...yandere.

The Jackson 5 Movie: Time Will Take Place Into HISTORY
FantasyThe 70's are returning to gang as Nina, Kaleigh, Brandy, Vashaun, and Charlie go back in time to see the Jackson family as they experience the life about being in that year. Especially the cultural ways they have to work in order to get money they'r...