The 70's are returning to gang as Nina, Kaleigh, Brandy, Vashaun, and Charlie go back in time to see the Jackson family as they experience the life about being in that year. Especially the cultural ways they have to work in order to get money they'r...
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I was at my job and I have my first night shift here too. Mr.Williams says that he is staying for only half an hour until we close the restaurant. The only problem is that it is dark and scary out at night.
I washed the dishes, swept the floors, clean the counters, and polished the tables. Its now 9:04 p.m. and my shift was complete.
"Okay Nina, I'll see you tomorrow." Mr. Williams said after locking the restaurant.
"Goodnight Mr.Williams!" I waved at him as he respond back.
I quickly power walked into the darkness and you'll never know when there could be a stranger and danger lurking around every corner.
"Heeeey bbaaaaaby!" I heard a strong drunk male.
Don't say nothing Nina.
"Hey. I'm talking to you bitch!"
No time to talk or get rape. Just run!
I started running as fast that I can to get away from him around the neighborhood. California is not the place to be at night. By the time I lost him I jog up to find that I am at the Jackson's home in the nick of time.
When I enter I panted and felled to the floor.
"Nina! Are you okay? "I heard Brandy worried.
"Yeah. Just had to get away from a drunker. "I reassure her.
"C'mon. Katherine made us supper." She helps me up and takes me to the kitchen.
"Hello Nina." Katherine greeted.
"Hi." I said flatly.
I sat down at the table after saying my grace and began to eat. After the meal I couldn't get the thought of me being almost rape by a drunk man at night. Damn. I wouldn't want to get pregnant and my parents will be furious about my ways of being just a child to them.
"Man, can you believe that we got payed by our bosses from working our butts off?" Charlie says disbelief.
"I agree. long are we goin to keep this up? We live in the present and not the past time." Brandy questions.
"I don't know. As long that we keep working we'll be just fine until we can have our own jobs in the original time period. "Vashaun said.
"Guys! The Jacksons gave us a letter." Kaleigh runs in with a letter in her hands.
"Let me see!"
"C'mon share."
"Don't be so greedy."
We all looked at the photo's during their tour:
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"Wow....remember when we travel back in time to see them for the first time?" I spoke up.
"Yeah. Those were the good times man." Vashaun said.
"We should probably head to bed. We don't wanna be late for work in the morning." Brandy said.
"Alright. Night guys." Charie turns off the light and we said goodnight after leaving his room and went to ours.
I got in my bed as I look outside of the past moon from 1978 which I wish to see the moon in the past.
I started to sing a song called: Wildest Dreams.
Why do I keep myself fed up about the past and not the present?