Ch.16- Memories Are Like A Gift To Me Or You

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Nina- I was working at the restaurant as I was washing the dishes while Tiffany cleaned the tables for me.

"Hey Nina, you never told me about how was the Disco Rally was like." Tiffany spoke up after coming in the employees room where I was.

"Oh, yeah it was good." I respond quickly.

"It doesn't sound good. What happened?" She gestured over to putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing Tiff." I said irritated.

"Nina, you can tell me anything and if it's someone who's mistreated or judge you I'll take care of it." She reassured me.

"I said.......ITS NOTHING!" I yelled making her flinch.

Mr. Williams ran in to wonder what is the going on with all this racket.

"What I'm Davey Jones is going on here?" He asked firmly.

"Sorry Mr. Williams. Nina was being sharp about how her friend from this morning that aggrivated her so much that she did not get a good night repose." Tiffany lied.

"All right. Nina don't let anger out when you know it will end up hurting someone's feelings." Mr. Williams said.

"Yes sir." I proclaimed.

"Good. Now go out for a bit to tranquility yourself and be back around I say.....3:25 p.m." He said as he  gesture me out the restaurant as I sighed.

'Why can't my life be more normal like any other teen would do. It's the whole world that's turning against me.' I thought to myself.

After my break time was over my work was done and I was going home by myself without a ride from the Jackson's brothers of course. When I reach the Jackson's house I decide to go to the backyard and lay against the tree.

'What is my life going to be like when I get older when I'm alone and have no one around?' I asked my mind.

I was looking up to see two robins flying together like the world for them is never going to end.

'I guess memories are like a gift for me and you.' I thought.

(Playing: My Only Love)

Deep in my Soul,
A love so strong,
It takes control

Now we both know,
The secrets there
The feelings show

Driven far apart
I'll make a wish
On a shooting star

There will come a day,
Somewhere far away,
In your arms I'll stay,
My Only Love

Even though you're gone,
Love will still live on,
The feeling is so strong,
My Only Love,
My Only Love

There will come a day,
Somewhere far away,
In your arms I'll stay,
My Only Love,

You've reached the deepest part
Of the secret in my heart,
I've known it from the start,
My Only Love,
My Only Love

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