Chapter 2

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Max’s POV

Now, i know this is going to sound really over protective, but im just looking after my sisters (despite Rhiannon not being related to me, she always has been and always will be), but I dont like how close theyre getting with Tom and Nath. Yeah, Nath’s a good lad an’ all but he’s only known Rhi half a day. And Tom, well we all know what Parker can be like - especially when hes drunk. I spose I’ll have to speak to them in the morning, we’re all a bit tipsy and it could just all be a big misundertanding.

Meadhbh's POV

I had not been out in a while and tonight was soon taking it’s toll on me. As soon as we got home Max, Faiza, Sive, Laura, Jay and Catherine all went up to their rooms, while me, Tom, Nath and Rhi stayed up for god knows how long talking.

I have no idea what time it was, but i was soon awoken by my wonderful brother sitting on me…”Max, what on earth do you think you’re doing, fucking sitting on me at this time” i said my voice barely a whisper, seen as i had just been woken up.

”Waking up my beautiful sister with a glass of water and a box full of paracetemol” his ‘good-boy grin’ soon appeared

”Well, aren’t you a babe!”

”When you’re ready, me you and Rhi are going out for the day” he soon left before i could answer and i woke Rhi up before we got ready to go out.

Rhiannon's POV

That was one of the best nights out I’d had in a while. I still can’t believe Nath asked me out!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. When me and Méadhbh were ready, Max took us out to the Starbucks down the road…I was in need of some hot chocolate, and then things got interesting…

Méadhbh's POV

”So Rhi…You and Nath were getting a little bit cosy last night, what’s going on there then??” Her hands suddenly covered her face but i could see she was grinning. I soon had an incling to what she was going to say next, and with Max getting our drinks it would be easier than ever to get her to spill the secrets, ”Come on, dish the dirt” i soon said after she had sat there and nothing had come out of her mouth. ”Well, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and i said yes,simple. Hes taking me out tomorow night for dinner” she replied while, most likely, reminishing last night in her head…

Max’s POV

I heard her say it and i was gutted she had fell for him this early. I never thought Rhi was like that, but what she didn’t realise was that I’d known she liked him since my first trip home after the album release. I just hope there’s nothing going on with Parker and Méadhbh.

When we’d got our drinks, i decided i’d confront them both. ”So Méadhbh, whats going on with you and Parker?? Do I have to fight my sister to retrieve my boy??” she burst into hysterics, just like she did whenever i called Tom ‘my boy’. ”Nahh, nothings happening Maxxyyy, he just came out to talk last night before we left the club”. I knew she was telling the truth, and now i had to talk to Rhi.

How was i going to word this without sounding too forward…”so Rhi , you and Syko looked to be getting on well last night…”

Erm, yeah..Max about that, I hope you don’t mind, but…” She stammered

”Rhi, don’t worry, I heard you tell Méadhbh that you’re going out. And no, I don’t mind, I just don’t want you getting hurt that’s all.” Her face turned from a worried look to one of relief in a matter of seconds

Rhiannon's POV

I was glad he knew and relieved he didn’t get angry…

Méadhbh's POV

Rhi looked so much happier in herself! Max…I could tell wasn’t warm to the idea about it at first, but it was one of the many things he told us not to do when he got into the band. And then he saw how happy Rhiannon was…

We were casually chatting when my iPhone vibrated in the pocket of my shorts..

-From: The Boy- hi gorgeous, just wondered if you wanna go out 2nite, dnt worry if ur busy :) Xxx

If you were wondering, Max got hold of my phone a few months back and changed Tom, Nath, Jay and Sive’s names in my phone to - The Boy, Syko, Bird, and Divaaaa.

-From: Me- babe, think uve txt the wrong girl, cause im far from gorgeous. Nd yhhh id luv to go outt(: hav to clear with Maximillian first;) doubt itll be a problem, think hes seeing Faiza 2nitee(: Xxxxx

I knew Max hated being called Maximillian, so me and Tom terrorise him and call it him at every free oppurtunity

-From: The Boy- dnt evn put ur self down bbe, ur beautiful and u know it as well as i do<3 but yhh Maxll b fyne wiv it im suree Xxxx

-From: Me- im not evn gurnaa argue, cause i kno ull beat me up laterr:L:L ;) loveyouuuuuuu<3<3 Xxxxx

-From: The Boy- u bet i will:D and love you too(: Xxxx

Before i knew it Max and Rhi were both talking to me and i never realised, until Max spoke up ”Who you textingg??”

”No-one” I shrugged

”We saw that smirk on your face, so don’t try and hide it or I’ll steal you’re phone…and don’t think I won’t!” Rhi butted in. I gave up on trying to hide it.

”Fine, I was just texting Parker, he asked me if I wanted to go out later, but I told him I’d check with youss first” I gave Max my best puppy eyes and as usual he gave in, just like when we were kids.

”Yes, you can go, but no funny business” I gave him a huge hug and set to planning my outfit with Rhi, and replying to Tom…

I sent him one final text before draggin Rhi and max shopping…

-From:Me- hey babe, max caught me texting you earlier:L but he said i can come out :) god sounds like hes my dad:L:L:L:L:L dragging him round topshop to get an outfit noww:) ;) loveyouuuuu xxxx

I got an almost immediate reply

-From:The Boy- Aww babe, thats good…And we all know he loves a bit of retail therapy(: and dont tell him i said that or hell will break loose:L:L ;) love you too<3 xxxx

My week had been made, i was not only living with my brother, his 4 hot band mates, and my best friend. But i was going on a date with Tom Parker, Tom Frigging Parker from The WANTED! I love my life!!!


Hope you liked the chapter :)

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remind me to post some more or else i'll forget :P

Méadhbh xox

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