Chapter 7

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Rhiannon's POV

After everyone was ready, the girls all got in a taxi to hit Oxford St. whilst the lads set up for tonight. We must have been in around 20 shops before we had all found our outfits… (Rhi- ; Faiza- ; Catherine - ; Laura- ; Méadhbh -

We then headed to Costa for a drink and a cake before we went home to get ready for the night ahead of us.After a good 2-hour conversation over what ‘clubs’ we were going to go to tonight, we all made our way back to mine and Méadhbh’s house to get ready without the lads seeing us till last minute. The preparation was all 3-hours of running round different people doing hair, make-up, etc. until at 6pm we were all ready to go.

Tom’s POV


we knocked on the door, and Sarah came to let us in. To help keep the surprise Méadhbh had been forced to wear a blindfold.

“Can I take this stupid thing off yet, not only is it ruining my hair and make-up but it is really uncomfortable” She exclaimed, so I thought I’d play a trick on her

“Well hello, are you single??” she screamed which made us all collapse in hysterics, “But, no you can’t take that off, or I’ll have to beat you up!” Then she laughed,

“Fine” was the sulky – yet sarcastic – response I got from her.

Méadhbh's  POV

After what felt like a good half hours car journey I heard the engine of the van turn off, and presumably Tom’s arms wrap themselves around my waist to help guide me into this place I was supposedly going. We stood still and the blindfold was taken from over my eyes…


To say I was surprised was a definite understatement, and I couldn’t have asked for greater friends, family and a greater boyfriend at all!

Jay’s POV

Everything last night seems to be a bit of a blur.Everyone had loads to drink and we all are very hung-over.I woke up the next morning to the sound of Catherine’s light snoring, and quietly made my way downstairs to make a cup of tea and some toast. When I reached the kitchen, I was greeted by Méadhbh and Tom sprawled across one sofa, Max and Faiza lay on the floor, and Rhi and Nath curled up in the armchair. This was one funny sight

Rhiannon’s POV

Last night was tough. I now feel like my heads going to explode and my insides have dissolved – the joys of turning 18, eh?Now everyone’s up and looking half dead we might as well make the rest of our afternoon worthwhile. “Guys, shall we watch a DVD??”There was a lot of mumbling in reply, so I took it as a yes and put on The Inbetweeners Movie. Me and Nath sat on the armchair, Tom and Méadhbh on the Floor, Catherine and Jay on one sofa, Max and Faiza on the other sofa, and Laura and Siva had gone out for the afternoon.After watching the whole of The Inbetweeners Movie, everyone kind of split up to do their own things. Nath and I stayed in the lounge, and watched a replay of United vs. City (after growing up with Max and Méadhbh , I had to become a city supporter), Méadhbh and Tom went to their room, same goes for Max and Faiza , and Jay and Catherine went into the kitchen.

Tom’s POV

I had wanted to do this for a while, and with us going to America in a few days it was the perfect time…

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