Chapter 8

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The Day before the boys leave for America

Catherine's POV

over the past few days, us girls had gradually moved a few things over to the lads’ house so that while they were in America we could own their house, and then if we needed anything we could pop next door to Méadhbh and Rhiannon's house for essentials.

Méadhbh's POV

It was half nine when I walked into the living room to see City playing Arsenal, and Tom and Max were engrossed.

“Tom?” I said clicking my fingers in front of his face

“Yeah Babe?” He replied looking at me

“Have you packed for tomorrow yet hun??”

“Noo… I was hoping that if I left it ‘till last minute-“

“I’d do it for you?” I interjected

“Yes please” He gave me the puppy-dog eyes I adored and I couldn’t say no

“Fine, but you have to come and sit with me!”

“Fine by me” he replied smugly, knowing he’d got out of the part he hated the most – that and leaving in the morning, and we both knew that was going to be difficult.

By the time I had finished Tom’s packing it was half ten, and as we had to be up at half 6 we decided we’d go to bed.

Rhiannon's POV

I couldn’t believe the boys were going to America tomorrow. I knew I was going to miss them, but it meant I could do Christmas shopping, have girly nights in with the others, and also Jack, Rach, Jess and Frankie were coming down and borrowing our house so we could rehearse for the tour – Yes, Jayne had asked us to dance on their Arena Tour, and the sooner we go into rehearsals the better.

off To America…

Siva’s POV

The alarm went off at half 3 and I was left with the harsh task that was waking the others…Laura and the other girls were easy to wake it was just the lads that were difficult.I left Méadhbh to wake Tom, Fazia to wake Max, Catherine to wake Jay, and Rhiannon to wake Nath, whilst Laura and I made everyone a cuppa.

Jay’s POV

Once Catherine had woken me up; I decided to grab the shower before anyone else, and possibly even take longer than usual.

Nathan’s POV

So today was the day, when I’d leave my girl for two weeks and she’d be left with Méadhbh to create havoc.I made sure that I left my twitter logged off on my laptop and that nothing else was available with my log-ins so I didn’t get ‘hacked’. I know what Méadhbh can be like… After I woke up, I noticed Jay was taking a lifetime in the shower, now come on that’s usually me.Typically it was me and jay that had to share the bathroom as the other lads took the rooms with en-suites #bummer.

Max’s POV

Im up and buzzing for America, obviously im gutted about leaving my 3 favourite girls, but I know they will all look after each other. Right time to blag the shower from Fazia, and then possibly get Méadhbh to make me breakfast. Im such a lazy shit.

Tom’s POV

I have tried to prepare myself for today, but whatever I do it never seems to work… I was gutted as well that I wouldn’t be there for when Méadhbh gets her belly pierced, but I spose there are worst things I could miss.So I hop in the shower and make me and the girls and boys some breakfast.

Catherine's POV

Jay’s off to America…Yeah im absolutely gutted.He always leaves me little notes around the place when he’s away which I find hilariously adorable…

Fazia's POV

I was upset to see my boy go today, but I was excited to see how many fans turned up at the airport this morning. The fans dedication always made me really proud to see the boys reach their dreams and goals.

Méadhbh's POV

when we were all ready, we hopped into the van and set off…

We were sat in the van for 10 minutes, and Tom, Max, Jay and Siva were already asleep. So I stole Tom’s phone so I could go on twitter.After 2 hours stuck in the car we soon reached the airport where we were greeted by around a dozen fans; so whilst the lads checked in, me and the girls went to chat with them. Around 99% were really kind about me and Tom (no-one knew about Rhi and Nath yet:]) apart from one girl – who was determined that not only was I in it for the fame, that I wasn’t even related to Max, and that Tom was her boyfriend. I just ignored the girl until tom and max came back. We had been talking to the fans for about half an hour before we left for their gate where we would say our good-byes.

Rhiannon's POV

We were all sat in little groups waiting for the boy’s flight to be called. There was me, Nath, Sive and Laura; Méadhbh and Tom; and Max, Fazia, Jay, and Catherine. Me, Laura and the boys were talking about utter nonsense and then the ten minute ‘warning’ before their flight was announced over the speakers around the airport, and we started our goodbyes. We started off saying bye to the lads and then our boyfriends.

My goodbye to Nath was difficult for me; we weren’t official or anything but we’d still been going out almost 3 months. I made sure that he kept his phone on him, and that he didn’t get himself into trouble (yes I can be like his mother sometimes) and then he kissed me, before one last hug and he went to departures.

Catherine's POV

Despite going out with jay for almost 18 months now, it’s still hard to say goodbye to him. I spose the good side is that I get to spend time with my girlies, and go home and see my family. I haven’t spoken to them since I left home when I first got together with Jay. Saying bye to him, did upset me but the fact he always promises to text/call/skype makes me happy that I’ll still get to talk to him and see him – even if it is across the world and through a computer screen

Méadhbh's POV

Saying bye to Tom at the airport was – im not gonna lie – heartbreaking. Just the 3 weeks away from him I spent whilst I was in Tamworth was enough to know how much I would miss him for a month. Regardless of the fact he won’t be here when I get my belly pierced, I didn’t mind because it meant I could surprise him with it.And the fact he didn’t know Jayne had got me, Rhi, Jess, Frankie, Rach and Jack to dance on tour was even better – and timed well – as he wasn’t here to get suspicious when I was at rehearsals :D

“Baby, Im gonna miss you so much,” I said to him as I spoke into his chest

“Yeah, Babe im gonna miss you too, but it’s only a few weeks, and you’ll have the girls to occupy you, and I’m sure I heard you say Rach and Jess are coming down – so all your sisters will be together” He replied as he placed his chin on the top of my head, and smelling my hair – he is one weird boy.

“Right, you’ve gotta go. I love you, and DM me or sumatt when you land yeah?”

“Yeah, course I will. I love you so much baby” He kissed me softly, gave me one last hug – and left for the departure gate. One tear ran down my cheek as he waved bye and blew me one last kiss.

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