Chapter 11

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Max’s POV

After making my presence known to my sister and her boyfriend, I decided we should all sit and chill. We all crammed ourselves into the games room and sat and watched ‘Step up 3’. As you can guess Phoebe and Rhi brought the DVD collection;). You had me and Fazia on the beanbags, Méadhbh and Tom cuddled up on one sofa, Rhi and Nath, opposite them on the other, Sive and Laura on the floor, and Catherine and Jay in the games chair.

Méadhbh’s POV

We were sat watching SU3 and it had reached the best bit in my eyes, where they use their slushies’ to make patterns in the air. Tom was sat in front of me, with his head leant on my shoulder as I played with his hair, and he occasionally ran his hand up my thigh.

As the credits began to roll, I checked my iPhone, to realise it was half 1 and that we better get to sleep, everyone dispersed – but me and tom being the lazy shits we are decided to crash on the sofas.I couldn’t get to sleep so loaded the twitter app on my phone and sat whilst it loaded. I sent out the first tweet - @Méadhbh_George - #TWFanmily you were a brilliant crowd tonight, thank you for the warm welcome on opening night. #muchlove. Thank god everything went to plan.

My mentions were soon spammed with things like -

@Méadhbh_George you rocked that stage tonight, and you have a brilliant voice. #Proud to say I was there, at your first gig;)

@Méadhbh_George you were shit, can’t believe they actually let you on there you fat slag. Fuck off and leave the boys alone fame whore.

I decided to reply to a couple;

@EmilyLovesTW – Aww thanks baba. Glad you enjoyed the gig. Xx

@TomsGirl4Lyfeee – thanks for your honest opinion, and I’ll tell the record label that was there tonight your thoughts. Might start a new hashtag in your favour tbh, #blockedbyTW :D much love hun.

I then noticed Maxxy-boyy had tweeted me -

Nice to see my ikkle sister rocking that stage with her crew. Also proud to see her shooting haters down, she gets her banter off me. Baby-G im loving your hashtag;) don’t make me use it fanmily :D. RT @Méadhbh_George - @TomsGirl4Lyfeee – thanks for your honest opinion, and I’ll tell the record label that was there tonight your thoughts. Might start a new hashtag in your favour tbh, #blockedbyTW :D much love hun.

I closed my phone, set my alarm and snuggled into tom’s beautifully defined chest before kissing him, and settling down for some much needed sleep.

Tom’s POV

I woke up the next morning to the sight of my beautiful girl. She was sound asleep and had wrapped herself around me, so there was no chance I was moving unless I had a death wish – Méadhbh is one moody arse in the mornings. I watched her chest rise and fall in sync with her breathing, her eyelids flicker as she lived in her own perfect dream world.

I grabbed my blackberry from my trackies pocket and logged onto twitter to see a lot of hate going down for my girl and I wasn’t having any of it.

@TomsGirl4Lyfeee - @TomTheWanted; just to let you know how selfish your ‘girlfriend’ actually is, here’s a retweet of what she tweeted me last night. Stupid bitch. RT: Méadhbh_George - @TomsGirl4Lyfeee – thanks for your honest opinion, and I’ll tell the record label that was there tonight your thoughts. Might start a new hashtag in your favour tbh, #blockedbyTW :D much love hun.

I decided to tweet her back in defense of my baby-g

@TomTheWanted - @TomsGirl4Lyfeee – if im honest, she’s sticking up for herself which I find amazing. Im proud of her for standing up to you. So if you don’t want me to block you and get the other lads to as well, leave my girl alone and grow up. #ThatIsAll.

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