Chapter 3

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Tom’s POV

I was so excited for my date with Méadhbh. I cant believe Max agreed to it, for her, my acts getting cleaned up.

Max’s POV

Right, now I know there could be something going on between Méadhbh and Parker not only am I gonna treat her to some new clothes, but I’m gonna make sure she has the best night of her life. I know what Tom can be like and I don’t want him hurting my little sister.

Rhiannon’s POV

I was glad that I had told Max about me and Nathan, and I was so happy for Méadhbh. I knew she really liked Tom and that they would be great together. I also knew she’d look beautiful whatever she wore, and it was making me more excited for my date with Nath.

Méadhbh’s POV

I was so excited, I really liked Tom, ever since i went to one of their first gigs at a school in Manchester. I was surprised Max let me go, him and Jamie were always really protective of me, back in Tamworth, when it came to lads. I knew that the ‘you break my sisters heart, i’ll break your face’ chat was on it’s way and I was going to avoid that room at all costs.

Tom’s POV

I had this planned, i was taking her to the park by the little river in town. As soon as I knew Max had told Méadhbh she could go, me, Sive, and Soph were setting it all up.

Max’s POV

Now Méadhbh was going out with Tom, and Rhi would be with Nath, I knew I’d definitely be able to see Faiza. I hadn’t seen her much the last few weeks and wanted to make it up to her. And I knew her, Méadhbh and Rhiannon got on really well, so they’d be able to have a proper catch-up when they were together

Méadhbh’s POV

We had been walking around for about an hour and i had just seen the outfit in the Topshop window… Max offered to buy it for me, and I knew he was warming to the idea of me and Tom…

Tom’s POV

I asked Faiza, Catherine, Jay, and Nathan to keep Méadhbh occupied when she got back, accompanied by Max and Rhiannon, while i made sure everything was set up with Sive and Laura.

Catherine’s POV

I knew exactly how to occupy Méadhbh. Me, Faiza and Rhi would help her get ready, and then sit and gossip if we had time to fill. I text Max asking him to make sure they were home by 4 to give us time to get her ready before Tom picked her up at 7.

Laura POV

What Tom was doing for Méadhbh was amazing and I was more than happy to help him. I could tell he really liked her and that she really liked him. I could feel that tonight was going to be good for them two.

Méadhbh’s POV

After finding my perfect outfit, Rhiannon bought some new shoes and i persuaded Max to get a new hoodie. We got a taxi back to the house. The butterflies were swarming already… Faiza and Catherine dragged me upstairs before i even walked through the door. I threw my bags on my bed and went for a shower. I came out in some trackies, a vest and one of Max’s hoodies. Faiza set to doing my hair first - she blow dryed it, and loosely curled it while i straightened my fringe and gripped it into place. Catherine did my makeup while Rhi painted my nails. I was ready to go at half 6 and in to my outfit by quarter to 7.

I walked into the living room to only find Max, Nath, Jay and Sive. ”Where’s Tom??” i asked, then my presence was noticed. I got a huge hug from Max. I asked again and Siva answered me ”oh, he’ll be here at 7,” I was a bit confused but didnt think about it. When I’d put my boots on, the door bell rang, and me being sat nearest, well the only one paying attention the others were too involved with their girlfriends/boyfriends, i went to answer it. I wondered who it’d be, considering it’s Tom’s house; surely he’d just walk in. I opened the door to be met by those brown eyes i was slowly but surely falling for. I couldn’t speak, he was wearing black jeans, suit jacket, and a shirt with the top 2 buttons undone and no tie. He could scrub up well… :L

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