Chapter 7

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Time flew past quickly. They got back at 5pm, had dinner and watched a movie. It was 9pm when Mini Joker and Robin passed out in the bedroom. This is all normal. The thing that made Batman, or Bruce, wonder is why he and Joker woke up together and he didn't regret what happened the night before. Although, Joker was once again innocent. The raven wraps his arms around the clown, pulling him into his chest with a small smile. Joker didn't hesitate cuddling into his boyfriend's chest as he's pulled closer to the other. This makes the chuckle quietly. Joker began to slowly wake up, making a small and adorable sound that makes the other smile. ".. morning, dear." Joker smiles to Bruce. "Good morning. How did you sleep?"
"Well. Especially with you here~" Joker flirts. Bruce chuckles, planting a kiss to Joker's... his jester's cheek.
Joker blushed lightly and sits up, playing with his hair as he does so. "I'm going to go check on those lunatics." Joker decides finally as he stands up. Still wearing his jeans, he walks over to his mirror and fixes his hair.
"You're such a girl." Bruce snickers, sitting up. Joker lets out a playful gasp and spins around to face the special person behind him. "Am not." He says stubbornly, laying a hand on his chest as he picks up his orange shirt and purple vest. "Right. Whatever, J." The vigilante replies as he watches the jester get dressed into his shirt and vest.

Admin typing;;
Hey guys. I hope you like the chapter? I'm going to try to update it more often but I can't promise anything. Although, my summer break is soon. So that should help.
Anyways, see ya in the next chapter. :)

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