Chapter 18 ~ possible trigger warning

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"O-m-g! You're Mini J?!" She asks quietly.

He nods. "You can't freak out. My dads are Batman and Joker, my step-brother is Robin, and my aunt is Harley Quinn and Batgirl. Aunt Harley is in a relationship with Poison Ivy, I think." He explains as a large and excited smile crosses Lucy's face.

The two talked about Owen being Mini J all the way back to the Manor. Questions were answered such as, "what does being a villain feel like?" And "how did you become Joker's son?"

Mini J walks into the Manor quietly, slipping his shoes off and guiding Lucy upstairs.

"We can wait in my room until my dad gets home." He explains, sitting on the bed. "Speaking of which, I need to call him." He adds, dialling the number into the app he used to text and call.

Joker picks up, almost immediately. "Hey, Mini J. Is Lucy there?" He asks.

"Yeah, Lucy is right here. Are you on your way home?" Mini J crosses his legs.

"Yeah, Batdad and I will be home in 5 minutes tops." Joker replies.

"Perfect." Mini J nods.

"For now, why don't you show Lucy the room she'll be staying in until further notice." Joker suggests.

"Alright, will do. See you soon." Mini Joker nods and ends the call.

He guides his attention to his friend, who is across from him.

"Follow me." He nods, walking out and into the guest room beside his own room.

"Woah.. this room is huge!" Lucy explains quietly, walking in the room and putting her bag on the chair beside the bed.

"This is your room for tonight. My dad should be in here to talk to you when he gets back. Don't worry, I'll come too. It won't be awkward." Mini Joker smiles reassuringly.

"Okay." Lucy nods, adjusting her sleeves.

".. did you do anything to yourself? Like.. hurt yourself?" He asks cautiously.

"Yeah." She replies flatly, pulling up the sleeves to her sweater.

The small cuts along her wrists were deep. She had a few marks from what looked like ropes on her wrists too, but there was more cuts and they seemed to dominate the wrist.

"My dad did this too." He sighs, exploring the multiple cuts along her wrists and forearms.

"He did..?" Lucy asks.

"Yeah. He almost died, too." Mini Joker runs a finger over the lifeline. "He cut over that. That's called a Lifeline. If you hit it deep enough, you're a goner." He explains and frowns.

"Oh." Lucy frowns as they hear guest room door open.

"There you two are." Joker explains as he walks in, sitting on the bed beside the two.

"Oh. Lucy, this is my dad. Dad, this is Lucy." Mini Joker smiles awkwardly.

"Hiya, Lucy. I'm Joker, nice to meet you." He smiles and holds out his hand.

"Hi, Joker. I'm Lucy and it's nice to meet you, too." She smiles and shakes his hand.

"So, you're the girl that will be staying over tonight?" He asks as he cocks a brow.

"Mhm. I won't be around for too, too long.. my dad will get mad." She looks away.

"... what will he do if he gets mad..?" Joker asks nervously.
But it was one of those questions he needs to ask. Even if he's a criminal, he's like a mother figure to three kids now. It's a must.

"Most of the time he'll hit me. Sometimes he uses his rope." She trails off, looking somewhere else.

"What?? He hurts you?" Joker asks, eyes widened and heart sunken.

"Yeah." She pulls up her right sleeve and shows the deep red rope burns, completely ignoring the cuts.

"Oh my god, Lucy.. I'm so sorry he does that to you." Joker frowns.

"He wants to put my up for adoption. I want a nice and caring family. One that won't hurt me, and will care for me." she adds.

"We can be your family for now, right Dad?" Mini Joker asks, looking at Joker.

Joker nods. "Yeah." He agrees as Lucy smiles tiredly.

"Thanks. I'll bring you to my dad after school tomorrow." She smiles as Joker nods.

"Okay, kiddo." He slides off the bed, bringing Mini Joker with him. "Good night, Lucy." He says before turning out the lights and walking out

"Good night." She replies, turning on her side.

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