Chapter 14

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The school day went by fast for Mini Joker. He spent all day with Lucy. What made him extremely excited, was finding out that Lucy is a lesbian, and hates Stephanie.

"She's an annoying idiot that needs to stop being so basic." is how Lucy said it.

Mini J laughed just thinking about that comment.

"Alright, Puddin', this is my house. See you tomorrow!" Lucy smiles and trots away.

"Yep! Text me later." Mini Joker smiles as they wave goodbye to Lucy and starts walking to the Wayne Manor.

The walk was one of the quickest of all time. Mini Joker was so excited to tell his father(s) and Alfred about Lucy. Alfred greeted Mini J at the front door as he arrived back at the manor.

"Hi, Alfred! You'll never guess what happened at school today!" Mini Joker starts enthusiastically.

"Hello Mini Joker. I would love to hear what happened Alfred replies, guiding the child to the kitchen for a snack.

"Alright. So I met a girl named Lucy today! She's like a huuuge fan for Aunt Harley and dad. She also likes Mini Joker! But not like that. She only dates girls." Mini Joker starts as Alfred put a plate of cookies and a glass of milk in front of the genderless child.

"That's wonderful. Maybe someday she can be your Harley." Alfred smiles as he wipes down the counter.

Mini J nods.

"Yeah... Where's Dick?" Mini Joker asks.

"Oh, Master Dick went out with Garfield, Chris, Roxy and Stephanie." Alfred replies.

Mini J sighs. ".. Of course he did." the mini clown frowns.

"Don't be too upset, kiddo." Joker grins, walking in. "I gotta show you something." He adds as he leans on the counter.

Mini J looks up at Joker, nodding as he     gets down from the counter.
Joker glances at Alfred and places a hand on on Mini J's shoulder. The two jesters start to walk up the stairs, stopping at the washroom to take Mini J's makeup and hair colouring off. They start to walk to Bruce and Joker's room.

"Before we go in, you need to be quiet, calm and gentle. Okay?" Joker says before he lays a hand on the door.

"So like.. the opposite of me? Like Owen?" He tilts his head.

Joker nods. "Exactly. Be like Owen, kay?"

Mini joker agrees hesitantly. Joker opens the door to reveal Bruce sitting on the bed, holding.. Something.

Joker smiles and gestures Mini J to check it out. Mini Joker raises a brow and quietly walks over to Bruce. Joker sits on the edge of the bed as Mini J inspects the blankets.
Mini Joker looks at it.. Her, for a long time. She has the smallest bit of mahogany hair, almost as long as Lucy's..

She had two different coloured eyes; one blue and one green. The small female child had  the same skintone as Bruce and a wide smile, alike to Joker.

"This is Michelle." Bruce says softly, allowing Michelle to move a bit.

Joker gently unwraps Michelle, allowing the young girl to sit up.
Mini J makes a face, getting Michelle to giggle.
Bruce and Joker smile at the two kids.

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