Chapter 9

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Timeskip from May to September

The few months have been exciting lately. Joker and Bruce, or Batman, have been together for 4 months now. They had made the decisions that most of the time takes couples a few months to decide, such as living procedures and other things. Joker and Mini J's house, or more of a cottage is used for Spring break and Summer purposes. The Wayne Manor is used for Fall and Winter. But today was a special day. It was the first day of school. Yes, the first day for Dick after his long summer vacation. But for Mini Joker, it would be the first day ever. Joker snickered as his child fools around with facial expressions in the bathroom mirror. They were up an hour earlier so they could colour Mini Joker's hair and plaster some foundation on his face. Nor Bruce or Joker wanted their child to make no friends just because he was related to the Clown Prince of Crime. Robin was in the kitchen with Alfred, helping with lunches while Bruce sat at the long counter in the kitchen, reading the paper and drinking a coffee while he listened to Dick gab about how much he would help Mini Joker with friends and such. Joker walks into the room, using one of his makeup towelettes to get some of the foundation he put on Mini J. Joker plants a kiss to Bruce's temple as he walks past, receiving a peck on his lips from Bruce. The jester smiles as he sits next to his boyfriend, smiling at the young boy and butler across from him. "Good morning, Master J. Wheres Mini Master?" Alfred asks, neatly placing an apple in the two lunch bags. "Mini J? Their getting into some clothes. They are very excited to show you what I came up with." He replies, smiling at the butler. "I bet they look great." Bruce comments, earning a purr in accomplishment from the jester. Suddenly, Mini joker slid into the room. His skin was about the same as Dick's. Maybe a bit more tan. He wore a black, unzipped sweater with a batman shirt underneath. His black jeans matched his converse and chocolate brown hair. Dick's jaw dropped in amazement. "Mini J.. You look amazing!" He smiles in excitement. Mini J nods. "Yep. And at school, I'll be called Owen." He smiles, clearly proud of his look and name. "'Owen'? Where did that come from?" Bruce asks, glancing at Joker. "Oh it's the middle name. Mini Owen Ingrid Joker." the Clown prince of crime replies as he watches 'Owen' help Dick fill the seven food bowls. Joker mostly watches the hyenas, Killer in particular. Mini J slowly backs their self up, watching Killer as he does so. "Good boy, Killer." Joker smiles as the three hyenas, three huskies and giraffe eat their breakfast. Dick glances up at the clock. "We gotta go." Dick smiles as he grabs up the Robin lunch bag and handing the green and purple lunch bag to Owen. The two run out. "Mini Ingrid Owen Joker." Joker snaps as he hears Mini J's shoes skid to a stop. The child peeks through the door to the kitchen. "Yesss..?" He replies worriedly. "You're missing something." He smirks as Mini J rolls his eyes and walks back over. Bruce tilts his head in confusement, noticing that Alfred was too very confused. Mini Joker plants a kiss to Joker's cheek. "Thank you. You may go." Joker smiles as the child once again runs back out to the front door. Bruce chuckles. "That was unexpected." He says, pulling Joker onto his lap.
"Yeah, but it was the only way I could take away his pocket knife." He replies, holding up the small silver knife.
Bruce rolls his eyes. "Nice one." He laughs as he kisses the jesters temple.

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