5-the plan*

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I wake in the the early hours of Sunday morning. Today is the day I get adopted. Or is it. I made a decision. I am running away. I got a new moto in life. Die trying. Well i'm not gonna die but still. Here goes nothing. I tip toe down the stairs. I don't have a watch but I think it's about 5am. I get to the door. I slowly turn the nob. It's locked. I didn't think through my plan. I remember seeing the keys in the kitchen. We are not really allowed in the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and thank goodness I see the keys hanging by the back. I might as well go through the back door. I take the key and unlock the door. I put back the key as I am about to open the door and leave I hear a yawn. I slowly open the door. Foot steps get louder. I think its a guy named Kevin. He is like the leader in a way. Maybe more like manager. I guess he came for milk or water or whatever. I open the door and get out as quietly as possible. I close the door as quickly and quietly as possible. I stand there for about 2 minutes to see if Kevin saw anything. I see the kitchen light on then switch off. I turn around and start running. Don't really know why but I am laughing. And I thought Harliy Quin was crazy, laughing at weird times but I am now doing the same. Its just so exhilarating. I run for about 5 minutes then stop under a bridge. The sun comes up and I am just sitting under a bridge devising a plan as to what's next. This is what I got.

1-get a place to sleep

2-get food

3-stay warm (fire)

I wrote this all down before I left. All I have in my bag is a can of beans, blanket, change of clothes and about 5 dollers. (R50) Well let's see how this goes.

So Chloe decides to run.
How will she survive in the outside world?

me, the gang leader✔ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now