9- confrentation*

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It been a week since the altercation and hiest and today we are getting the chart. Speak of the devil...
An email cames in and its the chart. Click, click.

Third!! Only third. But I guess its better then fifth. We took some of the technology we stole and sold it to a Russian gang. The other technology we kept as a reward to ourselves. We made a large sum of money.

Now I need a plan to be first, and I think I have a plan...
I walk downstairs to tell everyone our new plan. Everyone is sitting in the lounge watching TV as usual.
And guess what they watching? Yep... 13 reasons why.
It's a good show I must say but I like Marvel shows.

Once again I stand in front of them and switch off the TV.

"Heyyy!!" They all shout profanities at the same time.

"Hey, quiet!!" I shout and they all look at me waiting for me to continue.

"I have a plan to get us from third to first once again." I say and can't help smile at my awesome plan. Everyone looks happy and hopeful.


Today we put our plan into action once again. We are standing in the garage in a circle revising our plan.

"Everyone ready?"

"Ya" they all say. Jordy, Emmet, Kayla and I are taking our bikes but Bemmo and Techna are taking a black van so that Bemo can drive and Techna will hack the security system. Here's how it should go:

1- Bemmo switches off security system.

2- knock out guards before they notice.

3-get in the museum and steal what's needed

4- put stuff in car and get the hell out.

As always everything is going well. I am wearing my usuall baggy clothes. This time I am wearing a black bandana that has a creepy scull smile on it and a black beanie.

Emmet, Layla and Jord are stealing antiques while I am on look out.

I look around the foyer of the museum looking for any guards. It's pretty dark but there is a bit of light from the moon shining through the windows that are too high to look out of. I am kinda jumpy because I have seen these things in movies and I don't want to go to jail... Just then I hear foot steps. Grate.

I see a male silhouette aproching. Can't see them properly but I don't think its a guard.

"Who's there?" I ask in my awesome manly voice.

"Just the guy thats going to call the FBI on you" said no one ever. I almost expected a reply. The person just keeps walking until they are about 2 meters away. (dont know feet). I look at him head to toe and I notice the same jacket the guy was wearing when we were robing the truck. Oh wait,it is the same person. Once again he's wearing a bandana on he's face and all I see is he's eyes but not enough to see their color.

They say to great minds think alike but I think I am doing all the thinking and he's copying.

"You again?" Still with my manly voice.

Just then he throws a punch but I dodge it he then trys to kick me. I dodge that attack too. I start throwing punches but he doges every single one. He starts throwing punches and kicks as well but I also dodge. Ha... This is like a scene from an action movie.
Finally my fist connects with he's chin. I was almost surprised when he stops and looks at me with a smirk on he's face.

"You hit like a girl" he says. How ironic but he doesn't know I am a girl and that was a good punch If I may say so myself. He wipes a bit of blood from he's bottom lip and in one swift move he puches me across the face. I stumble back and fall on the floor. I grown in pain. Now that was a hard hit. I wipe the blood coming from my noise before any evidence drips on the floor. I look up at the gang leader to see he's eyes wide in shok. That's when I notice my bennie came off and I have a lot of hair on my head so it's obvious I am a girl. I am torn away from he's gaze when I hear sirense go off. Jord runs into the foyer

"Boss! We've got to go!" He shouts. Once again... Saved by Jordy. I stand up, grab my bennie and start running towards the door leaving the Tremenators gang leader standing in the middle of a foyer with sirens going wild.
I get outside, get on the bike and speed down the road. I can hear police sirens far in the distance. My nose is throbing and sore. Ouch.

󾠷󾠬󾠬󾠷󾠶󾠵🔥Termenator gangleader POV🔥

I arrive at the museum and guess who I saw. The same guy from the highway hiest. He obviously has someone on the inn or we think alike.

"Who's there?" They ask. The voice is not that deep and he seems small built so I gusse he's either young or puberty skipped him. Mental high five for that diss. I keep walking until we are two meters apart. I don't know what to do so I throw a punch. He doges it quite well. We start throwing and dodging punches until his fists connects with my chin. It does not hurt that much. I turn to him with a smirk plastered on my face.

"You hit like a girl" I say wiping a bit of blood off my lip and then I punch him hard across the face. He stumbles back then falls on the floor. I was pround until I notice thickv curly hair scaterd on the white marble floor. I am shoked as he.... I mean she looks me in the eye. What have I done? I hit a girl! A am startled when sirens go off. A boy walks in and calls for the boss. She gets up and runs towards the exit. I should probably get going too.

I turn around and run to the squad car.

"Let's go!!" I shout at my driver. We drive back to the gang house. As we are wizzing down the street I feel guilt and confusion and a bit of anger for hittng a girl. It forms a bad lump in my throat that I can't seem to swallow. Why am I so touched about this even though I am saposed to be a ruthless criminal? Well here's the long story short. When I was ten my sister and I were fighting for a reason I can't remember. I think it was the remote, was it food?maybe it was a toy? Anyway we were fighting and I got angry and hit my sister in the face. She started crying which was surprising because she was six years older than me so she never cryed. The next morning she had a black eye and my father was beyond livid. I got punished. I had to stay in my room without food for three days and instead got three belts to the ass three times a day. It was the first and only time I have ever been punished. My dad told me he did it because I should not hurt anyone that is physically lower than me. It shows that I am not a man but a coward. I never lay a finger on a girl with out their permission from that day on. I even have a person to kill girls for me. Yes I have morals. Surprise,surprise.
I won't get a wink of sleep tonight.

We found out a bit about the Terminators gangleaders past. He has morals. That's a first.
We will have more changes of POV during the book.
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me, the gang leader✔ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now