11- home encounter*

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I was about to pass out of pure boardom when the sound of the bell pierces the quiet math classroom. Everyone instantly starts packing and leaving. The teacher gave us 10 back to back sheets of math problems to do, if you don't finish its homework and I have only done the first sum. Now I have homework.


I pack up and make my way to the cafeteria. When I walk in I am completely pushed and nudged by teens walking past not caring who is in front of them. In my old school I would say nothing and keep my head down but I know I need to stay in character so this time I need to grow some balls. I look around the cafeteria and see that my gang is where they should be, including Jordy. I keep scanning the room and my eyes land on a table situated at the back with the group I am supposed to sit with.

If it were any other day I would sit alone, do something badass and then be accepted into the group but there is a time problem. Like they say. Time is money and money is time so don't waste my time which is also my money.

So I build up some courage and make my way towards the table. On my way there I bump someone.

"Sssoo-" wait. I'm I supposed to be badass and I am apologizing. So instead I stop talking and carry on walking when someone grabs a fist full of my shirt and yanks me back. I turn to see which idiot has tempted me.

"You know you bumped into me" I am looking at a girl with a lot of make up and fake blond hair with blue eyes. Right there and there I knew she is the one that thinks she runs the school, the one that sleeps around or picks on nerds. Two girls stand behind her, one with blond hair and blue eyes. The other with black eyes and a huge afro. They must be her minons.

"Yes I know."

"Oh...it's the new girl. Your not much to look at" she says this looking me up and down.

"Well I know that there is a difference between wearing makeup and looking like you got gangraped by crayons."I say with a smile. Her jaw drops at my comment and a few laughs sound around me.

"Micayla let's just go" one of her minons suggests. So Micayla is her name.

"Ya listen to your minions" I say and I'm about to turn and walk away when I am splashed in the face with water. I wipe some of the water off my face to see the bitch that splashed me smiling. I look around the cafeteria to see everyone looking at me, including the badass group. I need to impress them and I know just how to...

I don't know where my plan came from. I acted on impulse which I learned to controll with Goostoff but today, today it all went out the window. I picked up a tray that was on a table beside me and before Micayla can process whats about to happen, I wack her across the face. She screams and falls to her knees and starts crying. Her minons instantly try to comfort her. I throw the tray to the side.

"Whach your self Micky" I put emphasis on her name. I turn and walk towards my original destination. When I get to the table I sit down and take out an apple. I have a blank look on my face.

"Hi. I'm Zoe" I simply say and slouch in my seat. I take a quick glance around the table. Everyone is looking at me but with a look like I grew two heads, but one person is not looking at me. In fact he's sitting on the table and facing away from me. I closely inspect him and notice that he is the same guy I saw this morning behind the school building. This ought to be interesting...

"Why are you sitting here" the same guy asks not even turning around so I can see he's face.

"Just sitting where I think I fit" I say with a bored look. I was basically telling the truth.

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