17- snow white?*

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Dedicated to @ikxona. Thanks for the awesome cover.



This can't be. Techna can't be dead. I look back at the body. There's dry blood all over her face and on her shirt she was wearing when she left. Bruises line her face and her hands are bloody showing she put up a fight. Only now i realise the single entry wound of a bullet on her fourhead.

I don't belive this. I did this. If I was the one to get the info, they would have come for me and tried to kill me. I reach my hand up slowly and close her eye lids. I then stand up straight still in total shock. I turn to see the rest of the gang looking at the body. A single tear slips down Bemmo's face. Deep down we all knew they liked each other and now I took her away from him.

"UH...Layla. take her down and see if the bullet was the only thing that killed her and the rest of you, do..." I trail off not knowing what to say. I start to get angry. I feel the vile in my throat. How could they? How could they kill and innocent girl, well I know she not that innocent but she has never hurt someone let alone kill someone!

I grab my keys off the rack thats next to the door and start speed walking down the pathway towards my bike. I get on, put the key in the ignition, put on my helmet and pull out the drive way towards a place I know is the only place that can calm me. I'm just so angry! I speed down the highway wearing yoga pants and a tank top only, towards my desired destination but before I can get there a car appears in front of me. I swerve to the side which makes the bike skid away and me do a barrel roll on the asphalt. I lay on my back as the hot tar starts to burn but I am still to angry to even care. I suddenly stand up, take off my helmet and throw  it to the side making me feel a little free. I hear somone shouting my name and asking if I am okay. I turn to see it's a boy from school, Jared. I briefly look at him and walk towards my bike, pic it up, get on and start off once again to my destination leaving behind Jared and my helmet.

I finally arrived at Heavens Peek. A place I came to when I was young about 6-13 years old. I even built a little hut because I came here so often. I never realy saw any one here so I made it my place. I push past the small gate that says 'do not pass or be Petrifided' in red. Get it? Petrified? From Herry Potter? Anyways... I start hiking up the small hill that overlooks most of the city. The Hut thing is at the top of the hill, it's not very stable or good as I made it in secret by myself. When I get to the top I open the small door making it scream in agony from scraping against the floor. It's really small, enough to fit one 6 year old. I take out an old pink blanket I used to use. I lay it down in front of the Hut and I lay down on my back with my hands behind my head. I breath in and out slowly.

How could they kill her? She did not deserve this. It should have been me. I know its such a cliché thing to say but if it wasn't for my big ass I would have been the one they tried to kill. She could have parents for all I know, sibling and other friends and I took it away from her. I'm such a bitch. A single tear slides down my cheek for the first time since my parents died. I never really went to they'er funeral and I don't even know if they were beried. I am the worst person ever. I close my eyes and just meditate.

I suddenly sit up due to the cold riding through me. Da fuck? I look around and remember that I am still on the hill top. I stand, put away my blankie. Yes, i still call it a blankie. After I make my way down the familer hill I get on my bike and make my way home. I shouldn't have thrown away my helmet. It was totally expansive. It played music on the inside via Bluetooth and had cute cat ears on the top.

Man! I loved that thing. Oh well. I have bigger fish to fry. Like avenging Techna's death. It will not be in vein. like they say in movies.

I arrive home, park my bike and walk into the house. I walk into the kitchen and see the whole gang is there with a food of plate in front of each but it looks like no one has touched it. They all look up towards me.

This is awkward. Where to start? where to start? Oh...!

Que song. (West Coast by Lana Del Ray.)

"So...um..." I sit down at the head of the table and kinnda fidle with the keys in my hand. "So...yaaaa. okay! I'm just gonna be blunt with this and you. Techna is dead! Yes! The terminators killed her. Yes!  Can we bring her back. No! but we can make sure she didn't die in vain." I suddenly stand up. "We can sit around and do nothing or we can stand up and do somthing! Are we going to avenge the one they killed!? We are going hold our heads up and show them what we have! They have started a war and we are going to finish it!" By now the whole gang has stood up and nodding "Soo... are you with me my brothers!?"

"Yaaaaaaaaaaa!" They all shout.

"Wait. Did you get that line from Snow White and the Huntsmen?" Emmet asks.

"Ya" I say and look down at my feet. I look up again back in businesses mode.

"Ok. Let's get started. Jordan" I point at him. "Call the rest of the gang and get us some good amo Emmet, go with Jordan. Bemmo, find out as much as you can about the Terminators and Layla, you are coming with me." They all just stand and star at me like wierdos.

"Let's go people!" They all scurry off to the places I sent them. Layla is the only one left. She walks up to me.

"We attack in a week but now...we need to Spy. Let's go." I say and turn to the garage to get out the black Lambo. It's about 7:30 so it's a perfect time to Spy. We get into the car, I start the car and make my way to the same house we were at about a week ago.


Let me guess. You started singing the song.🎶'about a week ago'🎶 just decided to give you a little somthing after that major cliffhanger. 😈 Don't forget to:





Song of the chapter - see you again= Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth ect.

me, the gang leader✔ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now