7- the family*

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When I get to my office. Wow, that sounds weird. My office. Anyway, when I get to the office I close the door behind me and start opening different draws until I find the first aid kit. I walk to the mirror. I turn so my back is facing the mirror and I look over my shoulder to try see the extent of the damage. Its bleeding and bruised black and blurpal (Blue+purpal).

"This is gonna be hard." I say out loud as I take out a plaster, cotton wool and disinfectant. I take off my shirt for easier access to the wound on my back. I dab the wound with the antiseptic lotion which stings and makes me hiss. When I'm done with that, I take the plaster and I try to see how's the best way to place it. You know, when you have a cut and you want one plaster to cover the whole cut before permanently sticking it down. Well that's what I am trying to do. It's hard because I am looking at a reflection of my back. I am about to stick it down when the door flies open.

"Chloe, we need to talkkk..."

I snap my head so fast towards the door I think I gave myself whiplash. I look wide eyed at the door.

I see Jordan standing at the door with wide eyes as he's eyes are on my chest.

"Ohh...Ahh..ummm...s-sorry" he quickly says then slams the door shut. Because I took off my shirt I am only wearing my bra. If I could blush I would be blushing profusely now. I quickly stick the plaster anyhow, pick up my washed out blue shirt and throw it on as fast as humanly possible.

"I-i am so, s-sorry . I didn't m-mean to barge. I should have nocked instead of just barging in. Next time I will knock..." I hear Jordan shout from the other side of the door. I don't let him finish his ramble.

"Jordan, just come in!" I shout and walk to the chair behind the desk. He peeks his head through a small crack in the door with one eye open.

"Please just come in" I say calmly, my embarrassment coming down. I try my best to come across cool and collected but actualy I want to shout 'why the hell didn't you knock!?' But I controll myself. Jordan sits in a chair infront of me.

"So sorry. I should have knocked instead of just barging. I didn't mean to see you..." I stop him right there.

"Its okay as long as you knock next time" I say and notice a small blush creeping onto his face. There is an awkward silence as Jordy looks at his hands that are resting on his lap.

"Well you came to say something which resulted in you seeing me half naked soo..." I let the sentence hang so he can finish it. He looks up at me and I smirk. I have never actually looked at myself in a mirror to see if I know how to smirk but anyway. Jordan looks at me with a sincere expression.

"Look Chloe-"

"Zoë" I correct. He looks at me puzzled.

"My gang name" I answer and shrug.

"Ummmm... Zoë. I am truly sorry about what happened down stairs. I was just so angry and in the fit of the moment I-i... I thought I was Goostoffs right-hand-man and I thought he would give me the gang. You know what I mean?" I see he's not done so I let him finish.

"And none of us, the gang, know who you are. Well I do but they don't. Of courses I know you because we were hospital roommates for 2 weeks and-" I see he's going off topic so I intervene.

"So the point is?" I ask

"The point is I am truly and utterly sorry for what happened."

"Its okay Jordan. I know you were angry and stuff and I would be too if I was in your shoes, just try to manage your anger in different ways instead of pulling a gun. Okay?"

me, the gang leader✔ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now