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Its that time of the month again. No no no Not that type, I mean it's time for the chart again. Click,click.

Second. Yes we are second! But that's first in the losers.
We need to be first. I do some research and find some usfull information. The Terminators gang leader goes to Northcliff High. I  have a 'name' but i know for fact it's fake.How weird. I stand up and make my way to the kitchen were everyone is sitting and eating. My nose has healed pretty well actually. I'm surprised. You can barely tell I had been hit in the face. I get down stairs and walk into the kitchen humming Sucker by the Jonas Brothers Personally my favorite song. I grad a plate and add toast, bacon and an apple.

"Morning boss" Bemo says with a smile

"Why so happy?"

"Oh didn't you guys see the results?" They all look at each other confused.

"We are second on the chart" I say and can't help but smile. All their faces light up except Emmet. He seems to be cold and distant around me. I don't think he likes me but he wants to stay so he has to put up with me.

"And I have a plan that will get us back to one again" I say and they all look hopefull of my plan. Wait until they hear it.

"Everybody!!" I start then dramatically pause

"We going back to school!" I say with a smile but thier faces look like they just saw a ghost.

"What?" "Its gonna be fun" I say a put a piece of bacon in my mouth. It was the only way. We are going to find the leader and kill him. Yes kill him. Sounds violent but it's the only way and he did hit me in the face painfully, but I won't admit that to anyone.


Today is our first day of school and I got us a spot rather quickly. Money makes the world go round.

I elocated a group each person is to blend into. Bemmo will go to the nerdy boys. Techna with nerdy girls. Shouldn't be that hard for them. Emmet with the jocks. Layla with the chairleaders. I might have lied about their age to the school. And last but not the least. Jord. I don't really know where he fits. He wants to be with me, to protect me but I laughed in he's face. I dont need protection of sourts. So I will see where he fits when we get to school. I am with the 'bad boy' group. No, not goth just the group with the troublemakers. Should be fun. I need to look badass.


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Okay. Maybe its not that badass but I don't want to give myself away too much. I go down stairs to meet the rest of the gang. Everyone is standing at the door talking. When I arrive they all look at me with their mouths agape. Oh, I forgot to mention. I changed my hair dramatically. From my usall long, curly, brown hair to really short almost strait black hair with purpal strands.

me, the gang leader✔ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now