13-the streets

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I make my way home. I have blood on my shirt and stood in dog pooh. It can't get any worse than this? And just as I say that the heavns decide to open up. Great!!

I get back to the house tired and wet as hell. As soon as I walk in I make a b-line for the kitchen but before I can get there I am bombarded by the gang and questions. 'Where have you been?' 'What happened?' 'How are you feeling?', 'are you okay?'

I am already angry at Emmet. I am tired, wet, and smell of dog poo so I don't need this right now.

"Shut up! Just shut the hell up!" I snap. Oops
"I am fine! I just got in a fight with some guys. I am wet, hungry, tierd and smell of shit! Thanks but leave me alone.!" I carry on the path to the kitchen. I warm up pasta and meatballs and take it with me to my room.

When I get to my room I take off my wet cloths sit on the bed and eat. Yes. Sit on the bed only in underwear, open TV and eat meatballs. When I am done I decide to take a shower to warm up my freezing toes but the stench from my shoes bothers me and it hit me. All this is Emmet's fault. Ha ha ha. Note to self: work on evil laugh. Because I sound like a pig choking.

When I get out of the shower I put on my pyjase and some socks. I take my stinky shoe and walk out the room The house is dark and I presume everyones asleep already. I tip toe down the hallway. I stop at the end room. I slowly turn the nob and look into the room. Emmet and Layla are not here.


I walk in and look around the room. What now? I didn't think through my plan. I stand there for about 2 minutes looking like a lost sheep. I have an idea! I take my stinky shoe and put it under he's bed. There won't be any woo hoo in this room any time soon. Ha, the Sims are weird.

I walk out and am about to turn into my hallway when I come face to face with...

"Look what the cat dragged in." Emmet!

"Heyyy boss" he seems a bit nervous. He better be.

"Hey boss my ass" this is kinda funny. We are whispering the whole time.

"Whatya doing.?" What was I doing? Oh ya! Putting a shity shoe under your bed!

"Nothing." I try sound as innocent as possible.

"Uh...OK. Anyway bye" and he's on his way to his room and so am I.


Today is friday and I am feeling happy. I was angry yesterday but today is a new day and I couldn't be happier. I woke up bright and early and out the shower before I knew it. I am wearing skinny high waisted jeans and a purple crop top with my favourite Nikes.

I skip down stairs to the kitchen. When I walk in everyone goes quit and looks at their plates. They must think I am still in a bad mood.

"Good morning everyone!" I shout with a smile. I get three strips of bacon and three flapjacks or whatever they are called. I sit down at the table for the first time with the gang.

"Boss. Are you high?" Bemmo asks.

"No. But you will wish I were if you carry on and ruin my good mood." I end it with a smile. He puts he's hands up in a surrender gesture. We eat,chat and lough, and for the first time in a long time I feel at peace with the world.I don't regret anything, I don't hate anyone, I just want to enjoy life and even though my life isn't normal in ways, I wouldn't change a thing. Cheesy, I know.

me, the gang leader✔ (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now