Dinner Party (EDITED)

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Chapter 4: Dinner party

It's the day after the comet and I'm not sick, at all. It was weird. Last night, I am very light headed, then have a migraine, then have a very high fever. And then this morning, I'm as healthy as an ox. It's weird. I spot Elena and Bonnie and walk up to them. "I'm not saying don't date the guy, I'm just saying take it slow," Bonnie says to Elena.

"Who are you talking about?" I ask as they look at me.

"Stefan," they respond in unison. I nod.

"Okay, I see this doesn't concern me, so I'll go," I say and Elena sends me a thankful look. I see Stefan and go talk to him.

"See! I told you. Give her time and now you got the brown eyed Gilbert twin. Bravo!" I say and clap my hands and he chuckles.

"Thanks for the advice, Mid. You really are a miracle worker," he says and I smile. "Last night you weren't feeling so well, are you okay?" he asked frown lines forming on his head. I laugh.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just an overnight cold, I guess. I'm okay now," I say and he smiles.

"You know, you should go talk to Elena. I heard you kissed her last night. Oh, and thank you for that, she woke me up in the middle of the night because of you," I point a finger at him and he laughs.

"No problem. I'll see you," he says and I wave and head to class.


I'm in history class and it is horrible. I like history and I know a lot but Mr. Tanner ruins it. Anyway, Elena is trying to convince Stefan to join the football team because Tyler threw a ball at his head and he caught it and threw it back sending Tyler tumbling back. Ha! Serves him right! Tyler is a douche. But kinda hot. But still a douche. A hot douche.

"Pearl Harbor," Mr. Tanner asks.

"Ms. Gilbert. Pearl Harbor," he asks Elena. The bell rings and I catch up to Stefan.

"So, Stefan, you better try out," I say to him as we head out. He looks at me.

"Whyyyy!" He whines like a little kid and jumps up and down. I giggle and roll my eyes.

"Because you are good and it will work because Elena is a cheerleader. She needs a jock boyfriend," I say and he laughs. I wave to him and head to cheerleading with Elena.


"Come on Mid! Try out with me!" Elena was trying to convince me to try out for cheerleading. I was just here to watch.

"No, Elena. That's my final thought on it," I say and she sighs.

"Oh, my god, you're here! Oh, my God, Mid, you're here too!" Bonnie exclaims. I shake my head. "Here to watch, Bon Bon," I say and she nods.

"Yup. No more sad girl. The only way to get things to what they were is to do things that were. Oh, and you're coming to dinner tonight," Elena says to Bonnie.

"Oh am I?" asks Bonnie. Elena nods.

"Yup. You, me, Mid, and Stefan. You have to give him a chance," she says.

"Tonight is no good. Have you seen Caroline? She's not answering her phone," she asks and I laugh.

"Don't change the subject, Bennett. If Elena wants you to come, you're coming," I say and she nods.


"Seriously, where is Caroline?" I ask because I called her too and she didn't answer. "Let me call her."

"Uh, guys?"

I look up and see Caroline drive up with... Damon? She gives him a kiss and walks out of the car. Damon looks at me and smirks. I smirk back and wave. He nods his head in response and drives off.

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