Back to normal... Hopefully (EDITED)

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Chapter 1: Back To Normal... Hopefully

The next morning, I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Mid, wake up it's the first day," I hear a perky voice say.

I open my eyes to see my twin dressed and ready for school.

"Okay! Okay, Lena, I'm up," I exclaim and push her out of my room.

I get up and take a long and needed shower. That dream last night really didn't help my mood at all. I dress in a gray tank top, dark blue skinny jeans, and black heeled boots. I brush my hair into its natural wave and put on eyeliner and mascara. I grab my phone and bag and head downstairs.

"Toast. I can make toast," I hear my aunt Jenna tell my sister as she scurried around the kitchen.

"It's all about the coffee aunt Jenna," Elena replies.

I roll my eyes and help Jenna pack up. She looks at me thankfully as she rushes through the kitchen. She is one of the few people who doesn't compare me to Elena. I hear Jeremy walk in as I go to get two coffees.

"Is there coffee?" he asked. I don't respond, just hand him the second cup in hand. He smiles at me and I return with a small wink.

"It's your first day of school and I'm totally... unprepared," Jenna stated. "Lunch money?" she asks holding up cash.

"I'm good," Elena and I deny in unison.

She smiles at me while I smirk at her. Jeremy snatches all of it from her hand. I sigh, he's not going to use that for lunch. Nice.

"Anything else? A number two pencil?" she jokes. Elena chuckles. I simplest roll my eyes.

"Don't you have a presentation, thing today?" I ask.

"I have to meet with my thesis advisor at... now. CRAP!" Jenna exclaims, taking her hair out of her bun. I give her things to her and kiss her on the cheek.

Elena got my hint and said, "Then go. We'll be fine."

Jenna smiled at us then left. Elena turned to Jeremy. "You okay?" she asked concerned, using that annoying motherly tone.

"Don't start," he dismissed her, walking away. I sigh, turning to Elena.

"Don't take it personally Lena. I'll talk to him," I said and walked out.

"Jer." He turns to me.

"Don't be so hard on Lena. She is just worried and you know her. She's the motherly sister," I mutter annoyed, crossing my arms over my chest.

He groans in annoyance. "Not you, too, Mid," he whines.

"I'm not going to scold you for you drinking and doing drugs because I know this is how you're grieving and I know you will stop," I tell him with a smile and his face brightens up. "But I'm worried too so promise me you won't push your limit." He smiled.

"I promise. This is why I like you better than her, sis," he kisses me on the cheek then leaves. I then get a text from Caroline.

From: Care

Hey, need a ride to school?

I start to grab my bag as I answer:

To: Care

Sure. How long?

As soon as I send that I hear a car honk.

From: Care


I laugh, put on my leather jacket, and head out the door. I yell to Elena I'm leaving then head to Caroline's car. I close the door and turn to see the crow from last night on out front yard tree, staring at me. Creepy. I brush it off and get in the car.

The Silver Eyed Gilbert (TVD FANFIC) ~Damon Salvatore~Where stories live. Discover now