School Dance

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Chapter 15: School Dance


Me and Elena were talking to Stefan about stuff when Elena brought on the vampire topic. "Stefan, who was that man in the road?"she asked. "I don't know. Do you remember anything else about him Mid?" Stefan asked me. I shake my head. "Nope, never saw his face. Just remember a guy in a hoodie walking to me in big black boots. It was creepy."I tell them with a shudder. They both kind of chuckled.

"I brought some vervain." Stefan says picking up a box. "For you two and Jenna. And um, I made this bracelet for Jeremy. A few extra once for friends. You can put it in jewelry, or you can even put it in food or drink. But as long as it's in you or on you, a vampire cannot control you."he tells us. I pick up a necklace and new I just had to give it to Caroline.

"So much to remember." Elena says. "No, not that much."I mutter. She sends me a look, I just put my hands up in defense. "I know, but there's another vampire in town. So until we find out who it is and what he wants, we have to be careful."he tells us. I hear the doorbell ring and then Jeremy yell, "Sister's I need the money!" Elena looks at me and I sigh. "Fine."I mumble and walk downstairs.

I see the guy put the pizza on the table and look at me. He looked a little spooked when he saw me but I just shook it off. "Here, keep the change."I say handing him $30. He nods nervously. "Thank you. H-Have yourself a goodnight."he stutters then leaves. I close the door behind him and look at Jeremy. "Did he seem... scared?"I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. You can be very scary."he tells me. I scoff. "That is not... ok it may be true."I say then take the pizza to the kitchen. That was weird.



Damon called me over today to look for his father's journal. The now dead Bree, may she rest in peace, told him that Emily's grimoire might help open the tomb. He thinks that his dad's journal will tell him where it is. We have been looking all morning. The floor was full of books and more were flinging around the place. It was very awkward between me and Damon since my little... selfish act for a selfless act incident. We haven't even talked to each other since I got here. Man, what is wrong with you Mid?

My mind rant was interrupted by hearing Stefan walk in. Damon gives me a look that says 'Keep looking, I'll handle this.' I nod and continue to look along with Damon. "What are you looking for, you two?"he asked. "Not your concern." Damon answers. "No, but putting Elena and Mid in harms way, that is my concern."he tells him. I scoff. "What are you talking about?" Damon asks. "I'm talking about Atlanta." Stefan says seriously. "Oh ya, we all had a blast." Damon says smirking at me.

I roll my eyes and bend down to check the bottom shelf. "I get it. You are just bitter one of us gets to be with the one we love and poor Pierce twins are just out of reach." Stefan retorts. I feel eyes on my ass so I just stand up and look on the top shelves. Pervs. "Unless there's another way for you to get into that tomb. Is that what Bree said?" Stefan asked. "You're pathetic when you're fishing."Damon tells him.

"And you're transparent when your deflecting." Stefan says smirking. Damon turns to glare at him. "Don't you have school?"he asks annoyed. He goes back to looking and Stefan looks at me. "Mid, you coming?"he asks. I nod. "Ya, just give me a minute."I tell him. He nods and leaves. I turn to Damon and smile. "I better get to school."I tell him. He sort of smiles back and nods. "Ya, wouldn't want to get in trouble with little sister."he says smirking. I laugh and head to my car and to school.


I was with Caroline now. I gave her the one vervain necklace I knew she would love it because it was a heart with a small red gem in it. "It's so pretty."she says looking at it. "Thank you."she says hugging me. I hug back and smile. "No prob Care."I tell her. "It will go with like everything."she tells me. "What's the occasion?"she asks as we sit on a bench. I shake my head. "No occasion. Just a gift for my best friend."I tell her.

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