The Truth Part 1

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Chapter 7: The Truth Part 1


I was checking on Damon in the basement. I have to keep him away from Elena and Midnight. He will hurt Elena because I'm with her and Midnight...I don't know what he'll do. I go to walk away but Damon speaks up.

"I bet you feel pretty good about yourself. Aren't you?"he says his voice raspy. "Not particularly."I respond. "You won. You caught the bad guy. Now nothing can get between you and Elena. And nothing between your friendship with Mid. Except the truth. You know she'll worry about me."he says with a faint smirk. "The lies will catch up to you Stefan. As long as you keep lying to yourself about who you are."he continued.

"The beauty of you in there and me out here, is that I can walk away. And as for Mid, she hates you now. After what you did to Caroline and all."I say with a smug smirk on my face. He coughs and glares at me angrily. "I am going to kill you."he mumbles. I just scoff and walk out and head to the car wash. And let me say I can't wait to see Elena and Midnight in their... wait, ELENA in her swimsuit. Ya, that.


I just got out of my car and head to the cashier center, thing. I did not dress in a swimsuit because I didn't plan on washing cars. Instead I wore a black shirt that said: I'm not a morning person, with blue shorts and a yellow beenie.(In external link) Maybe I'll wet a few friends with a hose but most definatly not wash cars. Caroline is scolding Elena about the money as I walk up.

"No friend discounts, no freebies, no pay you laters. We are not running a charity here."she says and looks at me. "No we are not."I say with a smile. "Why aren't you dressed Mid?!"she yells at me. I shrug. "I'm working the money spot. No need to get wet."I say with a smirk as she rolls her eyes.

"Hi."I turn around and see the voice came from Stefan. "Hey." Elena says and I just wave. "The event is called 'Sexy Suds' you know."Caroline says to all of us and walks off. I turn to Stefan. "We just got scolded."I state and Elena nods. "And judged ya. I'm sorry but you're going to have to take that off."she says flirty to Stefan. I mock a gag face and Stefan holds in a laugh. "I think you need to go first."he says back. I grimes. "Ok."she says and tries to take her beanie off. Notice I said tried. Stefan helped her take it off. "Ok... so... not sexy."she says finally taking it off. Stefan moves hair out of her face. "I disagree."he says and kisses her. I gag and walk away.

Hands cover my eyes and I stop walking. "Who ever you are move or you'll be face first in the pavement."I say and I hear a chuckle. "Damn you're feisty."I hear and I turn around to see Tyler. "Sorry."I say and stand on my tipi toes to kiss his noes. He pouts and I giggle.

"When do I get a real kiss?"he whines like a little kid. "How about..."I tail off as I tipi toe and go to his lips. I brush my lips on his and whisper, "When you catch me."I then take off running hearing him on my tail. I run to the back of the school and stop to catch my breath. I look and he is no where to be seen. I walk backwards and bump into a wall. I look up to see Tyler smirking at me. "Caught you."he says.

"Well I did say when you catch me."I say and peck his lips. He gets a lustful glint in his eyes.

Oh no..

He pushes me into the wall and kisses me hungrily. I kiss him back as my hands tangle in his hair. I pull away and bite on his bottom lip.

"I gotta go work the cash. See ya."I say and push him off me walking away. "Tease."he calls after me making me laugh.


I was bored out of my mind working here. I see Amber and call her over. "Amber!" She turns around and walks over. "Ya?"she says putting a piece of hair behind her ear. "Can you work the cash for a bit?"I ask. She nods. "Thanks."I say and walk off. I see Stefan working on his own and I find a hose. I aim at him and spray him full blast. He looks at me and I giggle. He is soon glaring at me then smirks. He grabs a bucket full of soupy water and walks toward me, uh oh. I feel my smirk fall. "Lets see if you look good in black while wet."he say smirking evilly. I drop the hose and start to run. I can hear him hot on my tail. I look back and don't see him. Unfortunately, I can't see where I'm going and bump into a wet wall. Again. Stefan is there with a wide grin on his face.

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