Kidnapped Part 1

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Chapter 19: Kidnapped Part 1


I was on the roof, watching the storm that was happening right now. And I know what you're thinking, why the hell is she on the roof during a thunderstorm? Well, it helps me think. I have been trying to ignore the nagging feeling of sadness that's been there since I found Damon. My mom used to say that if you want to kill someone without remorse you have the heart of coal. That's exactly how I feel right now. Cold, numb, like stone. It's happened before, why does it bother me now? I mean, it's not like I haven't seen him with other girls.I haven't talked to him since that night. I wonder if he even cares.

I felt a pebble hit my arm, then another hit my leg. I look down to see Jeremy there with a small smile. "You know, you could fall." he says. I smirk, standing up. "Want a bet?"I say. He nods, gesturing for me to go for it. I jump up and do a flip in the air, landing on the ground, on my feet perfectly. I look at him and smile. "Goodnight Jer."I say heading inside.


Damon was hammering a plank of wood over his now broken window. "I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night."Damon suggests moving away from the window. "Yeah, and then what? Turn to the rest of the house and say 'Oops, sorry'?" Stefan asks. "I can't believe you made a deal with her."Elena says. "It was more like a helpful exchange of information."Damon tells her, sitting in the chair next to me. Making me move slightly away from him. "And it's not like I had a choice, she's... scary."he says with a shudder.

"Besides, she's gonna help me get Katherine and Nataline back."he adds, making me scoff. "Yeah, Damon gets what he wants no matter who he hurts in the process."I say snarkly. "No need to be snarky about it, you're just jealous that you found me on the deed with Kelly."he says smirking. I roll my eyes. "Like hell I am. I'm just cranky I had to wake up at 6:00 in the morning to learn that the tomb vampires escaped."I say with a bitter smile. "Yeah, sure. Look me in the eyes and tell me you were not the slightest bit of jealous."he says getting closer to where our noses were touching.

I look him in the eye. "I. Am. Not. The. Slightest. Bit. Of. Jealous."I lie clearly to his face. He gets a sudden hurt expression before it leaves and he turns around. "Ok guys break it up."Elena says pulling me away from him. "We're gonna figure out a way to deal with Pearl and the vampire. Yeah?"Stefan asks, trying to break the tension. I sigh, heading out of the room, trying to cool off. I go to the rack, getting my jacket and head out the door.

 After about an hour at home, I told Elena I was going for a run in the woods. I was out jogging in the rain, trying to blow off some steam. I don't even know why I agreed to helping try to get the Pierce twins back in the first place.


"I'll help you do it."I tell him. "Do what?"he asks furrowing his eyebrows. I sit beside him on the bed. "Get Nataline and Katherine back. I want to see you happy and if that's what makes you happy... then I'll help in any way I can."I say smiling at him.


I sigh, stopping for a breath. I hear a twig snap behind me, making me turn around. I hear another snap, I look to see some guys coming towards me in hoodies. "Great, more guys in hoodies."I mumble, then everything goes black. Ah, crap.



My phoned ringed for what seemed like the 100th time. I hoped every time it ringed it was Mid saying she's on her way home. But every time it was Damon. Mid should have been back by now, I thought as I hit ignore. Someone then knocked on the door, making me head downstairs to get it. I open it to have Damon just walk in. "You're ignoring me."he states. I sigh, closing the door. "Six missed calls? Sorry my phones dead."I say sarcastically. He gives me an annoyed eye roll. "Is Stefan here?"he asked. "No, why?"I ask. "He went out in the woods and didn't come back. I can't get him on his phone I figured he was here with you. I tried calling Mid but she didn't answer either."he tells me.

Mid jogs in the woods. "Damon, Mid went jogging in the woods an hour ago but she hasn't gotten back yet."I tell him. I try to call Stefan while Damon tries to reach Mid. I hung up when he didn't pick up. "It's going straight to voice mail."I tell him. He holds up his phone. "Same here."he mutters. "Where could they be?"I ask Damon. He gets a sudden scowl on his face. "You're not gonna like what I'm thinking."he tells me.


I knocked on Pearl's door. I swear if she hurt either of the she's dead. "Pearl! Open this Door! Or I swear to god I'll bust through and rip your head off!"I yell from outside the door. The door opens to reveal a smirking Fredrick. "Pearl is not home."he states. He steps out just enough to see him clearly. "Mmmh, beautiful weather. Not a ray of sun in the sky."he states. I glare at him. "Where's my brother?"I ask. Please don't let Mid be here, please don't let Mid be here. "Billy."he calls out. Then two guys come out, holding a very looking weak Stefan. I let growl escape my lips.

"Oh don't fret, we didn't forget your girl."Fredrick says. Then two other guys come out holding a bloody and cut Mid in their arms. She struggled but they only punched her in the face. "You're dead."I bark, walking in but to be stopped by a barrier. "Oh, I'm sorry. You haven't been invited in."he says smirking away. "Miss Gibbons."he calls out. Some lady comes to the door with bite marks all over her. "Yes, Fredrick honey?"she says walking to his side. He looks into her eyes. "Never let this bad man in."he compelled her. She smiles, nodding. "I'll never let him in."she repeats, walking away.

He turns to me. "145 years left starving in a tomb, thanks to the twins's infatuation with you and your brother."he tells me. He rated on but I wasn't listening. I was too focused on my brother and best friend who looked so weak and hurt. "I thought your brother might've wanted to get a taste for that before I killed him. Billy."he calls again. They put a stake into Stefan's stomach. "As for the look alike, You took Bethan away from me, she'll just have to replace her."he says with a smirk. "You have a nice day."he tells me, closing the door. "Damon don't do anything stupid!"Mid calls before the door closes. I let out a frustrated shout, before heading back to the car.

I got close to the car, soaking wet from the rain as Elena get's out with her umbrella. She rushes over to me. "What happened? Where are they?"she asked. "They have them, I can't get in."I tell her. "Why not?"she asks. Seriously, is she that stupid? "Because the woman who owns the house, is compelled to not let me in."I tell her a a slight aggravated/duh tone. She looks like she's thinking for a moment before she speaks up. "I can get in."she says trying to walk past me but I grab her arms stopping her. "You're not going in there."I tell her. "I'm going!"she insists struggling. "You're not going in there."I tell her sternly. "Why are they doing this? What do they want with them?"she asked panicked.

"Revenge, they want revenge."I tell her. "We gotta do something."she says. "I know."I tell her, looking back to the house. I slightly hear the screams of pain from Mid from hear, making me cringe. Elena notices. "What?"she asks. I try my best to ignore another scream as I turn to the twin. "Nothing."I say. "We can't let them hurt them, we gotta get them out of there. I can't lose my sister!"Elena starts to panic. "I know. Elena, I know."I say, putting my hands on her cheeks to stop her from talking. Looking at her now, her full lips reminded me of Mid's. How soft they were, how red they were where Elena's were a soft pink.

Snap out of it Damon. Mission here, I think, shaking my head. "I don't know how to get them out."I say, cringing hearing one of Stefan's screams in pain.


They tied me and Stefan up by our wrists, hanging us from the roof. They laced Stefan's ropes with vervain and I think they might have used some type of chemical on my ropes. Stefan was shirtless and I was in my bra. And I choose today to where my black lace, nice move Midnight. "Vervain and aconite on the ropes."Fredrick says pulling on mine and Stefan's ropes, making us groan in pain. "That's gotta sting."he says. He sticks a stake in Stefan's stomach, making him pass out. He then starts to circle around me, his eyes looking at me hungrily. Ew. "Wow, I must say, this little wolf is a keeper."he says smirking.

I look at him confused. "What do you mean wolf?"I ask. He looks at me with a smile. "You don't know what you are? Do you?"he asked. He starts to laugh. "Well, I let that for you to figure out."he says, then everything goes black.


Oooooo! What will happen? Comment if you think Mid will find out who she really is. Whoever gets it right will get a special dedication for the next update. Vote, Share.


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