Halloween Fun

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Chapter 9: Halloween Fun


"Alright man, I'll see you."Tyler says to his friend leaving football practice. He walked to his car and got in, not expecting what he saw next. He looked to his right, and saw his past lover. Making him jump in fright. "Vicki?"he asks surprised. "Hi Ty."she responds, looking at her feet.

"Everyone is looking for you."he says calming down a bit. "I know." she says, still refusing to look at him. "What's wrong Vic?"he asks, noticing her shaky voice. "I'm so cold."she says. He shakes his head. "You on drugs? Everyone things you're on a bender."he scolds her. "I wish."she mumbles more to herself. "What happened in those woods Vic? Those kids that were killed, what did you see?"he asks. She finally looks up, you can finally see the tears in her eyes. "I'm so scared."she mumbles and Tyler pulls her in a comforting hug. "Hey it's ok. It's ok, I'll take you home." he says, she pulls away from the hug. "I can't control it." she mumbles. "Control what?" he asks a little confused. "I'm so hungry Ty. And it won't go away." she growls angrily.

"Vic what are you on? What drugs did you take?"he asks getting a little aggravated. She grabs his head and sniffs his neck. "I want it so bad. I'm so hungry Ty."she mumbles in his ear. He pulls her back. "Ok I'll get you something to eat. Just sit back and I'll get you home."he says. She bares her fangs at him. He backs up in fear "Whoa Vic what is wrong with you!"he yells. He opens the door and jumps out of the car. Vicki jumps on him, ready to feed off of his blood, but was ripped off.

Stefan and Damon arrived at the seen. Stefan was holding Vicki back as Damon was supposed to make Tyler forget. Vicki thrashes in Stefan's hold. Tyler gets up to run but is stopped by Damon. "What's going on here Stefan? What's wrong with her?"Tyler asks his school mate. "You, don't talk." Damon says. Tyler turns to him. "Screw you dude." Tyler says. "Dude, really, dude?"Damon asks mocking Tyler's words. "Damon don't."Stefan scolds. "Oh come on who's gonna miss this idiot?" Damon asks his brother. "Midnight." he responds. Damon stopped dead in his tracks. Well now I really can't kill him, Damon thinks. Tyler punches Damon but all Damon does is glare at him.

"Don't you hurt him!"Vicki growls. Damon grabs Tyler by the neck. Tyler struggles trying to get out of his grip. "I can't kill you because Mid will hate me. You will not remember what happened tonight, none of us were here."Damon compels him and throws him to the ground. Tyler groans in pain. He gets up slightly confused as to why he is on the floor. He looks around but Vicki and the Salvatores are out of sight.


It has been a few days since Vicki went missing. Damon called me last night saying he found her. So today I'm going to the boarding house to check on her with Elena. I get up and go to the bathroom to see Jeremy in there brushing his teeth. "Sorry."I say.

"Oh no it's cool, I'm done."he says. I grab my toothbrush standing next to him. "You're up early."I state, he nods. "Ya where are you going?"I hear Elena asked walking into the bathroom as well. "To the police station. I'm organizing a search party for Vicki."he says walking off. "Um shouldn't you be going to school?"Elena asks stopping him. He turns around. "You're kidding me right?"he asks annoyed. "You shouldn't skip school. If they find her we'll know. That's what cellphones are for."she says turning to face him. "Your lips keep moving I don't know why."he says but I stop him. "Jer!"I yell. He turns around. "Not you too."he says annoyed. I shake my head. "I just wanted to say...good luck."I smile at him. He smiles then says to Elena, "See! She get's it."

Elena glares at me as he leaves. "What?"I ask. She just shakes her head as I smirk. She just can't except the fact Jeremy likes me better.


Me and Elena were at the boarding house. I rang the door bell as Elena fidgeted with her necklace. The door opened to reveal Damon who smirked at us.

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