How Much?

39 4 0

Cloe's POV

Matt and i walk hand in hand to Kayla's house. Yesterday, he did ask me to be his girlfriend. I told him that i couldn't and that i thought we were too young.

I want to take things slow.

Ha, you guys fell for it. I almost screamed. Of course i agreed, I'm not going to deny my feelings for him.

We are now boyfriend and girlfriend and i couldn't feel any more complete. He treats me like a princess and i treat him like a fictional book character. I would treat them better then princes.

Anyways, yesterday after the date Kayla texted me to tell me that she is throwing a party, and that both Matt and I are invited.

I am not really a big partier so i obviously wanted to deny the offer, but Matt is making me go so he can "show me off." I have to admit i did blush when he said that.

He took my phone and said that we would go so here we are, in front of a house full of drunken teenagers that are underage drinking.

I could call the dang police! I wouldn't though, i don't want to mess up Kayla's party.

We enter the house, immediately being enveloped by a screeching sound, now discovering it's music. How welcoming...

"MATT IS HERE!" I hear somebody shout and the whole house erupts into cheers.

I look up to see a wide smile on his face and that just brings a smile to mine. I love seeing him happy.

"Cloe! You guys made it!" Kayla says and i roll my eyes.

"This one right here wanted to "show me off" and made me come." I say accusingly and Matt laughs wrapping an arm around my waist.

"What can i say, she's finally mine now, I'm going to show her off to people. Speaking of, you are staying with me all night, i don't want boys to get some ideas." He states firmly. I nod giving him a hug and he returns it.

Kayla just watches and nods. "You guys are so cute! I'll see you around, Cloe?" I nod and she walked off.

Matt leads me to and area filled with guys and i see Chase.

"Hey Chase." I say and he smiles.

"Hey, i didn't think you would come." I shoot an accusing look at Matt and Chase gets the hint and chuckles.

"Well, I'm glad you made it." He thwn turns to Matt. "Sup, M!"

"Hey Chase, how's it going?"

"Good, you?"

"Happiest man in the world." He winks at me and i smack him.

"You and your sweet talk. I swear." I say while blushing and he laughs, wrapping an arm around me.

"Ew, guys, come on now." Somebody from the group says and i blush. Matthew just keeps laughing.

"Yo, Matt, how much can I have her? Just for tonight." I stiffen and turn to the voice. Nick Deler, the womanizer, or so that's what people say about him.

"What did you say?" Matt saud through gritted teeth.

"Come on, we both know she is just for fun, how much does she charge a night?" I have a sick feeling in my stomach.

"Listen here you little piece of s***. If you dare say anything like that again, i will not hesitate to tear you to f*cking shreds. Am i clear?" He says in a deep, deadly voice.

Nick just smirks and reaches for my arm. Matt moves forward and i put my hand out in front of him.

"I got this." I whisper to him.

"Yo, small d***!" I say in his direction and he looks around. "What are you doing looking around, I'm talking to you, Deler. If you even think that I'm selling my body one more time, i will end you. It's not hard and I can tell you I can report you for so many things. 1) Underage drinking, 2) being a pedophile, 3) r*pe, shall i continue? I don't think you want me too." I say in a deep voice and fear crosses his eyes.

"I'm not scared of you."

"You should be. My parents were Max and Samantha Rider. Does that ring a bell?" Realization flashes through Matt and the rest of the guys' eyes.


"You don't have to believe me, I can make anything happen. I wouldn't press it. Now i catch you trying to 'buy' a girl one more time, i will have you in prison." I begin to walk away and i can hear the silence of the house.

Apparently i made a crowd. Oh well. I can sense footsteps behind me, it's Matt. I turn to give him a hug.

"Is that what people really think of me?" I ask him and he lifts my chin.

"No, of course not. Even if they did it would be all my fault. I caused it! I'm so sorry."

"Hey! That was over 5 months ago. I have forgiven you. You don't need to apologize."

"I'm going to kill him, Clo. I'm honestly going to kill him." He mumbles and i put a hand on his shoulder.

"Prison would be a bit worse. I can get him there in a split second."

"How come I never knew your parents were Max and Samantha Rider? They were the best actors ever!"

I smile, remembering the movies the were in. "They were, weren't they." I say. "I didn't want to be treated differently, i guess."

"I understand." He tries to sympathize.

"Do you really?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No, i just want you to feel better. I can't have my queen sad." I blush.

"Stop making me blush!" I exclaim and he laughs. "This doesn't change anything right?"

"What would it change?" He asks in confusion and i sigh.

"I'm lucky to have you."

"I think it's the other way around. I'm lucky to have you. I really shouldn't."

"Ah, but you should." I give him a peck on his cheek and we stay there under the stars, hand in hand.

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