A Family Torn By Insanity

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A Family Torn By Insanity

     Looking at what she made of her family, she picks up the gun, holds it up to her temple, and whispers, "I love you" in her last breath.


     This story is about a mother, her husband and their two children. The mother works with the mentally ill and the husband is a musician for a living. The mother has slowly been going mad. It is no shock really since she works with ill ridden patients all day and night that she herself had begun to adopt their mannerisms until she finally snapped and lost all self control and rational reasoning.

     She shot herself and her family.  Killed them all off one by one.  First, the vulnerable child.  A wicked smile displayed itself across her face as she did it.  It was almost as if she enjoyed slowly tearing her family apart limb by limb.  The poor,  innocent, little infant was furiously wailing, kicking and screaming for help.  Mother yells out, "Oh will you shut up already!  I am so tired of hearing you bitch and moan about your life you little brat," as she ended the short-lived life of her newborn baby. A fiery haze was glowing in her eyes.  She let out a small cackle as she reached her last victim.  She turned, and with a large grin plastered on her face, she slayed the last of the two children in the house.  Her smile fades as she falls to the floor.

     The husband walks in and calls out, "Honey, I'm home!" just like any other day. But he hears no response. He walked in the family den and saw nothing but blood splattered across the room along with his fragile childrens' bodies. Shocked and horrified, he searched for his wife, finding her in the kitchen, frozen and covered in blood. He doesn't have the chance to say anything before she pulls the gun on him and shoots him out of fear and adrenaline. He too falls to the floor, wailing and gasping for air. Hit by the realization of what she had just done, the gun slips out of her hands and onto the floor.  The house that was once filled with such life and joy was now dead and filled with silence.  Tears begin streaming down her soft cheeks and she lets out a small whisper, choking on tears.  "Wh-what have I done?"  Looking down at her hands, they are painted red.  A bright, flourishing, rose-colored red.  Looking at what she has made of her family, she picks up the gun, holds it to her temple, and whispers, "I love you" in her last breath.



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