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((Fletcher POV))

"I don't want to! He's a foul boy with no manners what so ever, and he's so snarky with his attitude!" I complain to my mother as she raps the large fur blanks over my small fragile body. "Sweet heart, I know it's going to be hard to get used to but-" I cut her off before she can finish. "No! I'd rather be stuck with Snotlout for two weeks then that, smart mouth son of a half troll!", I yelled tears forming in the back of my eyes. I didn't want this, my father had told us at the great hall that Oswald and his family would be staying with us for around two weeks. Because of him and Oswald's agreement for my betrothal to his son, and first born, heir to the Berserker tribe, Dagur.

((Previous hours ago))

"I'd like to give a very warm welcoming to one of our closest allies, Oswald the Agreeable!" My father boomed from his seat, looking over everyone who had joined us in the great hall, "And of course, the lovely Lady Helga and their offspring Dagur Oswaldson!" He finished. The applause of the crowd was utterly ridiculous, what was so special about this mans family? I know that my father and Oswald have fought together in the war against a man named 'Dragon-bloody-fists' or some strange name like that.
"Now this is no ordinary stay, as you all can see. The Berserker's will be staying for two weeks," My father announce, "Or longer." He muttered under his breath. "This is a treaty not only for this years peace, BUT... The peace for the next generation to come!" He shouted, with the crowd applauding the announcement. I don't quite understand what he means, how can we have our next generation in total peace? Especially with that crazy son of Oswald's. "We will be preparing the bondings of the heir of the Berserker and the Hooligan tribes, after this day. Dagur Oswaldson and Fletcher Haddock will be betrothed to signify the peace between our two tribes!" He cheered. Me and Dagurs eyes locked in confusion, "Be-what?" He questioned giving me a confused look. "Betrothed, intended, a fiancé," Lady Helga looked down at the red headed boy, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. "Meaning?" I looked at both elder woman, "One Day you two will be married" My mother smiled.
"Yuck?","Ew!" Me and Dagur say in union. "You can't be serious mother!" I shouted, "I can't marry her, just look at her! Mother!?" Dagur shouted at Lady Helga. " Oh yeah!? What do you mean 'look at her' huh? You got a problem wuss boy, say it to my face, coward!" I glared at Dagur, my face becoming red from rage that he bestowed onto me, "My pleasure. Your an ugly troll, with yak manure as a coloured hair, and your like a dwarf, short and stubborn, not to mention that Thor forsaken voice, I've never heard anything so annoying in my life." He stared me down, with his trademark smirk across his face. "Dagur! That is no way to speak to a young lady, especially not with that manner. We are in their home, show some respect!" His mother scolded him with her green eyes burning into his. "Apologise. Now." Her deadly gaze never leaving his. "I-um... I'm s-sorry" he stuttered looking down at his lap trying to avoid his mothers gaze. "Fletcher?" My mother motioned me to accept his apology, to show some respect, "Apology accepted" I looked down at my plate of food. There was an awkward silence between both me and Dagur, and each of our mothers. "Fletcher," I looked towards my fathers voice,"Why don't you show Dagur around the village, it will give you's both a chance to get to know each other" He smiled with rosie cheeks. 'He's been drinking' I thought to myself. "As you wish father," I spoke getting up from my seat, "Off you go Dagur, and... try not to cause any trouble" Oswald tilted his head to the side and let out a sigh.

((Time skip))
We walked around the village reaching the food storage. "And this is the food storage we're we store our-", "Oo, oo, let me guess" Dagur interrupted in an enthusiastic voice, "your food." Changing his tone into a bored one, I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment. "Look. I don't like this anymore as you do, I'm just following my fathers orders, okay?" I continued walking not giving him a glance. "Oh! So your daddy's little girl, suck up to him and be all precious like. Plus, you'd be lucky enough to even marry me, especially with a gronkle butt like that" he laughs his deranged like laugh. "Excuse me! To hell with you red head, as if I ever want to get married in the first place. Men are just dumb yaks that never understand what women want, all they want is go up straight and bed us silly. And don't get me started on how unpleasantly annoying they are" my last words dropping like venom, as I burn holes into those deep forest green eyes. His once laughable expression turns into a scowl, "Don't talk to me like that! Nobody talks to me like that! I can tell you shorty, if you don't fix up this little attitude thing going on here. We'll be having some problems, won't we!" His eyes never leaving my brown ones, he let out a irrational huff and stormed off in the opposite direction.

I don't like this boy, not one bit. To think when we come of age, I'll have to marry him one way or another. But I'm willing, I'm willing to do it in order for my villages safety and just maybe I'll get the satisfaction of my fathers words tell me that "Oh! I'm so proud of you Fletcher!" Or "Your going to make a great chief one day Fletcher" but of course that will never happen. Maybe, just maybe this will change his mind. But then again, I don't want to be chief I've never wanted to be chief of Berk or Berserker island. I don't want that. I want to see the world, not as a chief but as a young explorer. But father and mother would never aloud such foolishness, especially from their first born child. But maybe since Hiccup is born he could take my place for the heir of the throne of Berk, then I could go explore the world, travel to the exotic lands and see the mysterious creatures that hide there. Maybe I'd find a different species of dragon, that would totally be awesome!

I hadn't noticed that I had been walking, what I also didn't notice was the person in front of me either. "Uff!", I ran into the figures back, the blonde headed boy snapped his head to glare at me. "Hey! Watch we're your walking you id-" he paused to study my face. Creep. "Hey I know you!" His face starting to go bright red, "Your the chiefs daughter, I'm so sorry!" He shouted looking down at the floor. "NO! It's fine I swear, I was in my own little world, is all" I looked at him curiously, his head was still looking down and not at me. I moved my hand under his chin so his face was looking at me at levelled height, I smile kindly "My names Fletcher, what's yours?" His eyes were in tears, threatening to spill "Fl-Flay," he coughed and cleared his voice a bit making it project more and sound stronger, "Flayhead, Flayhead Ingerman ms," He looked at me proudly, "Nice to meet ya Flayhead!" I smile even wider putting my hand out for him to shake, which he gladly takes.

I think this is the starting of a beautiful friendship.

"I don't know what your so worried about?" My mother spoke in a soft voice. "He's Dagur, and you want me to marry him!" I screamed at her. I know that this might have been unreasonable  and I did at the beginning think I'd be fine with it, but I'm not. "I wanna leave Berk, mother. Don't you understand? If I stay here and get married i would be able to see the world, meet new people, make new friends, maybe I'll find someone I actually like!" I continue to argue but it does nothing. "Believe me my dear lass, things will get better. You must give it time" she said stroking my brown locks. "He's not even that good looking," I muttered under my breath, she let out a laugh at my little response, "You never know lass, over time he could become quite an attractive young man one day". "He probably can't even grow a beard, TROLLS DONT GROW BEARDS MOTHER!" I shout thinking of a possible better looking Dagur with a beard. She just laughs and kisses my forehead, "Goodnight lass, I'll see you in the morning," she gets up from the side of the bed to walk out, "Mother!" I yelp a bit. She turns around to face me, giving me a nod to continue, "Could you sing me a lullaby, please?" I try giving her my best puppy dog eyes. She gives out a little chuckle before walking over to the bed, sitting next to me and begins to stroke my head.

"The sky is dark and the hills are white"
As the storm-king speeds from the north to-night; and this is the song the storm-king sings, as over the world his cloak he flings:
Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep; He rustles his wings and gruffly sings:
Sleep, little one, sleep.
On yonder mountain-side a vine
Clings at the foot of a mother pine;
The tree bends over the trembling thing,
And only the vine can hear her sing:
Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;
What shall you fear when I am here?
Sleep, little one, sleep.
The king may sing in his bitter flight,
The pine may croon to the vine to-night,
But the little snowflake at my breast
Liketh the song I sing the best, ---
Sleep, sleep, little one, sleep;
Weary thou art, anext my heart;
"Sleep, little one, sleep."

She kisses my head one last time before exiting the tiny room. "I love you Fletcher, sleep tight".

Feed back? Or what you may want me to add in future chapters? Requests are open! Anyways hope you all enjoyed!

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