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A/N: Hey guys!!! I'm sorry for leaving you's waiting, and yes it had been forever it's just cause I've had no inspiration what so ever. So I've been debating whether to delete the book or not. But we'll see how it goes.

"You fuck'n piece of shit!" Fletcher boomed as her fist collided with Dagur's left cheek.

"He's just a boy, what makes you think that you have a right to leave a single mark on his body! Huh?" Fletcher shoved him, causing him to stumble back a bit but not enough to fall over.

He was mad, enraged to the point were he was considering to do his own damaged to the brunette in front of him.

"Exactly he is a boy, a boy who needs to grow up and get tougher. Fletcher, if he can't take a hit how do you think he'll be going up against those overgrown reptiles? He won't stand a chance. Just think of it as playing rough and learning how to defend yourself." Dagur gestured to his surroundings as Vikings around them cleaned up the mess from the last dragon attack.

"So he's supposed to learn how to defend himself against a real knife?" Fletcher was fuming, reluctantly trying not to reach for her knives.

"That's how I was taught, and that is how you were taught." Dagur jabbed his finger at Fletcher chest.

Fletcher raised her hand to slap him, but Dagur was quick to react grabbing her wrist and twisting it back.

She groaned in pain, as Dagur pulled her into an ally way out of sight from the public.

Dagur pulled Fletcher to his chest grabbing her other wrist in his other hand, then forcing her into the wall of a hut.

"Don't... ever... try... that... again" He glared at Fletcher with a dark voice.

"Let me go!" She yelled, kneeing him in the stomach.

He groaned in pain before releasing her from his grip, to slap her across the face. Fletcher fell to the ground clutching her burning face from the slap.

Dagur moved over to her kicking her in the gut to make her roll over. He sat on her stomach, grabbing her by the neck tightening his grip on her throat.

"What did I say Fletcher! I thought you were the smart one, or am I mistaken for that Ingerman boy?" His grip tightened around her throat again.

The brunette gripped his hands, attempting to make him release her. Her face becoming bright red by the second. Her voice muffled from the lack of air.

"What's that Fletcher? You trying to say something?" The red head raised an eyebrow with a sadistic grin creeping onto his face.

The eldest Haddock released her grip on his hands and clenched her fists, and punched the red head in the throat. Dagur fell back gasping for hair holding his throat.

"Piss off asshat, and leave my brother alone."


"So wait, you punched him in the throat?" Flayhead chuckled.

"Yes! He was strangling me, and he was having a go at Hiccup. You got a problem with that?" Fletcher narrowed her brown eyes at the older teen in front of her.

"No not at all! Just never thought of using that tactic myself, you know, more of mace kinda guy." He winked.

The brunette let out a chuckle, "Anyways-"

"Flayhead!" A high pitch voice came running down the wooden steps to reveal, what looked like a tiny, chubbier version of Flayhead.

He had shaggy blonde hair, and freckles that covered his face, he looked about 11 and much bigger then Hiccup. Green eyes and a book that he was struggling to carry, seeing as it was almost as big as himself.

"Ay Fishy, what's up?" Flayhead focused his gaze on the boy that stood at the bottom of the steps.

He was about to answer when his gaze landed on the female in the room. His face turned a dark shade of red, and he began to struggle to form a sentence. He started to make a high pitch noise before he turned around to run up stairs, but not before running into the wall next to the steps. He let out a yelp and sprinted up the steps as fast as his short legs could carry him.

"Strange..." Flayhead frowns.

"Indeed..." I reply.

We both sat in a comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

"Flay?" I whisper. To which he hummed in response.

"I want to leave Berk."

"What?" He looked at me in shock. "Why on Earth would you want to do that, what's wrong with Berk?" He started raising his voice a little.

"My fathers here, and rules are here." I mutter.

"...That seems like a poor excuse."

"Shut up, it's the truth!" I yell. "Plus, just think about it. Imagine all the things we'll see, we can go as far as the Archipelago takes us. We might even discover new dragons, and we could learn about them and everything." I rambled on about my dream.

He still didn't look that convinced.

"It's for research for the Book of Dragons, I'll let you collect it?" I smile still trying to convince him.

He still wasn't pleased with the idea.

"Just think about it Flay, and tell no one!" I pointed at him.

"I'll think about it."

"Thanks Flayhead."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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