Chapter Nine

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(Kay so I was gonna write a lot from Christians point of view, but then I thought its gonna be really super long, so I'm gonna have him have flashbacks of most of his summer as well)

Also this chapter shows you guys what type of person I am, I'm always happy, so naturally I make my characters really happy, but I still try to make my characters mean or whatever.

Christians POV

I've never seen my mom this happy before like ever...ever since she told me the news about her deal she's been really really happy and dad has been actually staying at home, with mom! And he's not drunk! Like what in the world is this.

"Hey Chris" came the soft angelic voice of my baby sister Amelia.

"Hey" I said walking over to her and embracing her in a hug.

" ready...for you know..."she said, she sound a bit restrained but still happy and anxious.

"You know? What does that mean?" I said just to annoy her.

"Well getting engaged to a girl who doesn't know a thing about it..." She said.

"ARE YOU KIDDING! I'm going to be married to the hottest girl ever! And not to mention she's so nice, and shes just perfect." I said getting all happy and excited.

"Okay don't get all mushy on me and just remember that she doesn't know about this arrangement and that she might say no...." Amelia said

"We'll for one, I heard that she loves her parents and she won't protest to whatever that say." I said sounding final.

Amelia just gave me a look and left.

"We leave at 5:30 and we'll get there at 6" she screamed out when she got to the door of my room.

You must be pretty confused right now well. Let me sorta tell you.

Lets start with my life at home.

Well my sister and I are really close and I love her. She's 15 and so cute.

My mother well she's a different story, after our farther started to stay at work late and drink all the time, she started to reinforce rules for us. Pfft like that will change anything.

And my dad, well I hate his guts the guy is a man whore. Well not like I'm not, but he's married and yes, when I'm married I will stop and I have ever since I found out.

And ever since I found out, my mom and dad have been getting along and we've actually been acting like family.

(A/N I was gonna put up the flashback of when Christian found out that he was gonna get married to Natalia, but then I'm gonna save that for a different time...)

Alright, back to reality, after I just went to the bathroom took a quick shower by the time I got out it was 5, I quickly went to my walk in closet and pick out some dark navy blue skinny jeans, a white top and but a Navy blazer on top, looking formal but not to formal. I then put on a nice watch and my white supra. By the time I finished doing my hair it was 5:30, so i made my way to my car and waited for everyone else.

Not a moment later my parents and sister walked out Amelia was going to come in my car, but for some reason my parents told her to go with them and she listens.

We arrived at the Dias's Estate and got out of our cars. We went to the door and rung the doorbell.

And the door swung open and their stood two very welcoming smiles, an annoyed look and another woman.

"Ah welcome, welcome, Mitchell, Mary, Christian and my dear Amelia" Mr and Mrs Dias said together with huge smiles on their faces.

We walking and I shook everyone's hand, I took a step forward to shake Lukas's hand and he reluctantly shook it with a death grip and I hugged the woman next to him.

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