Chapter Eight

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Hey guys, another chapter.


Well this week sorta is gonna be missing a lot of Major details because I'm gonna come back to them in flashbacks so then it would be raiser for me to write.


Natalia's POV

This week has been crazy hectic, I've won the world championship for gymnastics, my parents are super happy proud and understanding with Lukas's decision and they have also been acting pretty suspicious around me lately for some reason I don't know why...

I'm just about to leave and get ready for my last interview of the summer when my phone goes off.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hello Miss Dias, your meeting has been canceled today, so you are free for the rest of the day, that is all I called you for, do you need anything?" Stacey my assistant asked.

"No and thank you for informing me Stacey that his all." I said and ended to call.

Well..i have the rest of the day off and my family is all home, so why not hang with them.

With that thought I made my way downstairs to go and try to find my family in this huge house.

I made my way to the kitchen and I hear screaming.

"You have no right to do that! You know she won't refuse she loves and respects you guys, she will do anything you say" I hear my brother scream.

"Lukas dear, I know but we made the deal years ago and now it's coming back to us." my mother said back very calmly.

"Yes! I understand that! but you can't take the right for her to...." my brother didn't finish because I walked in.

They all looked at me shocked.

"How much of that did you hear Natalia?" my farther asked wearily.

"I only heard a bit, but if you will please tell me what is going in here? why do you guys have to scream at each other like that?" I asked everyone and they all went quite. but then my mom spoke up.

"It will all be explained to you dear, tonight actually. we are having a nice sit down dinner with some guests so dress appropriately dear, they will be here at 6 so be ready by then." my mother said and with the her and dad walked out to the patio.

I looked over to my brother who had a sorry full look. I wanted to know what was going on, but since it was going to be explained tonight, I might as well wait.

"Hey Luke, you wanna go watch a movie? I heard that their playing Titanic again?" I asked, you see the thing with my brother and I is that we watch really sad movies when one of us feels like we need to cry, but we'd rather watch a movie to cover up a reason for why we were crying Or like when we feel wired. smart yeah. haha anyways, back to reality.

"Sure why not and you know Nat you don't have to do everything mom and dad say right?"

"Uh yeah, but their our parents, it's the least I can do..." I trailed off

"Oh god Nat your too nice, anyone would be lucky to have you..." he said

"Thanks Luke, now let me get changed I don't want to go movies looking like I just got out of a meeting" I said and he nodded in agreement and we both went to go and change our clothing.

I went up to my floor and went straight to my walk in closet. I picked out a white baggy shirt but not so baggy it looked like a guys. and some black long but lose/flowey pants.

After that I headed to the bathroom, and since I already had a shower and make-up on I just brushed my teeth and did some girl things.

When I finished I put on some sandals and went down stairs to where Lukas was waiting.

And you might be asking, where's Jules, well she's still sleeping, poor thing, being pregnant has it's down sides.


After the movie Lukas and I headed for the mall. I just wanted to buy something to wear for tonight since I felt like shopping.

I walked into a couple of different shops. I bought the 'Keepsake Surrender Maxi Dress' from Pac Sun. It was a black long maxi dress with a slit along the side of my left leg and in a 'V' shape at my chest. I fell in love with it instantly.

When Luke and I got home it was about 5 so I had 1 hour to get ready. I made my way to the bathroom and took another shower and when I go t out, I blow-dried my hair I put on some minimal make up witch looked natural and then I straightened my hair which all in all looked amazing. When I was done I made my way out if my bathroom and slipped on my dress and my black heels.

When I was done it was 5:55 and decided I wanted to go on my phone. I texted my friends in our group chat.


N: Natalia S: Samantha J: Jaeden M: Michele R: Rachel

N: Hey guys!

S: Hey girl!

R: what up.

M: heyyyy how ya doin'?

J: didn't I talk to you yesterday?

N: hahaha hey guys and yep I talk to you yesterday and well apparently I'm about to be told something important a d I'm just killing time.

J: okay one cool and two you can't physically kill time you know.

R: Please god tell me why I'm related to you.

S: Hahahahah you guys are so funny and Nat tell us how it goes okay girl?

M: yeah Nat good luck with whatever happens Kay girl.

J: Rache you calling me dumb! Well I'm not the one who is asking god a question.

R: hey! Don't judge me I'm not the one who thought that they were drowning when they were in the bath tub!

N: yeah ahahha I'll tell you guys what happened

M: hey have you guys checked out the new iPhone 5S?

N: YEP! I got it sent to me yesterday :))

J: HEY! That was one time! And I fell asleep!

R: Anyways what type of guy takes a bath!?

S: Are we gonna break up their argument or what?

M: no point, one its funny, two they live together.

N: hey guys I have to go the people are here now.

J: okay bye Nat tell us what happens!

R: Yeah Nat good luck sweetie and we love you! <3


End of phone convo.

I made my way downstairs when I was greeted by 16 pairs of eyes.

My parents (Jean and Anna), My Brother (Lukas), My sister in law to be (Jules), Mr and Mrs Raines (Mitchell and Mary), Blondie (Christian), and a sweet little girl, I think she's Christians younger sister by the name of Amelia?

I made my way down the stairs, weary of the eyes watching.

"You look beautiful Natalia" my furthers voice boomed through the now silenced room.


Kay guys I will be writing about the dinner through someone else's POV and yeah







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