Chapter Tweleve

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~4.5 Hours~ 3:30PM

Grass, that's all I can see for miles on end.

I'm driving next to my sleeping beauty.

She's sleeping so soundly, peacefully, free from all the worries she has had. She looks carefree, like so much baggage was lifted from her shoulders.

Her beautiful wavy light brown hair swaying slightly from the wind blowing through the slightly open window. Her head propped up on top of her folded hands. Her breathing is even; soft. I take a moment to look over he face, she has none of that disgusting make-up on -God I hate that stuff, especially since Natalia is blessed with so much natural beauty, people must envy her- Her long, thick naturally curled eyelashes are soft, her natural rosy cheeks. Honestly she is the descendant of an angle.

As I let my thoughts wonder, my phone goes off, I put on my earpiece and press answer.

"Chris Bro!" Tray says happily, geez, it's loud, I hope he got what I wanted.

"Hey man."

"I found it!" he shouts -Which makes me wince- With glee, clearly he is pleased with himself.

"Awesome! Send what you got to me!" I said now happy.

"Yeah, I will, just some of these guys are really bad." He says in a more serious tone.

"What do you mean by really bad? How bad?" I questioned.

He was silent for a moment, then he responded with "Well, she's had four boyfriends, two of them for about three months, the third one six months and the last one, one year and three months." he said taking a breath.

strange that dosen't sound so bad..."What do you mean Tray? That's not that bad.."

Tray took a deep breath and continued.

"Dude there's more, like a lot more, but I have to go now, so i'll email you everything that I was able to find."

"Alright, take it easy, and thanks." I said and ended the call.

~5 Hours~ 4:00PM

Natalia's still asleep beside me, and it's about an hour until we have to swap drivers.

Ever since the phone call with Tray, I've been seriously wanting to open the email Tray sent me. But I can't read it while I'm driving and I don't want Natalia to think that I'm stalking her or anything, so I'll have to wait until we get home...our home together...Wow I've been dreaming about this since we were kids, and now it's finally happening.


~They've just reached the town of RockDale~

I've been driving for the past five or four hours and It's six at night, thank god it's not dark out like it is in winter.

Christian is sleeping beside me.

For the past four silent, calming hours I've been thinking about whats been going on.

Me accidentaly telling him.

Will this work out?

Like I mean, I don't even think he likes me, I think he's just doing this beacuse his parents say so, because honestly, I'm still recovering, and this is getting in my way of that, work, school and my other activities have been keeping me busy for the time being, but this, this is and was something I was trying to get away from. I don't want to be in a relationship, I don't need it, well not right now, but there's just something about him that's pulling me towards him, like this invisible rope puling me towards the danger, or safety? But I'm not going to go for it, I will pull away. All love is going to do is break me again, I don't need that or this, I can't...NO!...I DON'T need this!.

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