Chapter Fourteen

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Christian (For Chapter 13)

I woke up this morning, greeted by the beautiful sunny weather outside. And the beautiful angel I was blessed with snuggling into my chest.

Getting an idea I got out of bed and went to quickly take a shower, but not before kissing her on the forehead. God I love her already, but that's nothing new, I've always loved Natalia, it's just now that I have come face to face with it.

After changing into black jeans and a white T-Shirt (A/N: Yes guys, don't judge, I made Him and Natalia match, but only because I like black and white and I really don't know what other colours are what I mean is, I like them wearing black and white so yeah deal with it. Love you's.)

I made my way to the kitchen and got out some ingredients to make breakfast.

After I poured the eggs into the pan and stirred it around for a moment, I heard Natalia walk in.

"Morning my beautiful girlfriend." My possesiveness showing a little.

We talked for a little and after she and I finished our breakfast and made our way to school.

"Your mean." I fake pouted.

She looked amused and we continued our way toward the administration block.

I did that to distract her from the lust filled looks that we're coming from all the guys around the paring lot ogling at my girlfriend.

All you could hear around the jumbled murmmers was. "Damn, she's hot." or "I'd bang that." "I'd replace that guy any day." and one really wired one I heard was. "Hey...yeah babe it's babe's not you it's me...I saw a really hot girl...and....fine bitch....what ever...fuck you." Okay I probable wasn't ment to hear that one, but these guys are really desperate, like can't they see me walking right next to her!

After getting our stuff, I walked Natalia to her locker and promised her I would be back to get her before we have English.

I made my way to my locker and was about to open it when I noticed a guy on one of the side lockers, he looked so familiar, like I've seen him before...but before I could investigate any further, this caked up chick, who looks really scary walks my way, like I'm being serious she was so many layers of make-up on I don't know how thick her face is, she looks like a slut.

And her cleavage is about to pop out. But I think she mistook my disgusted face when she put her lips on mine, instantly I put my hands on her shoulder and tried to push her back, but this chick is like hulks decendant because every time I'm about to be able to pull away she pushes me back into the locker. Her mouth is like all over mine moving really bad, but I didn't respond, I kept trying to pull back but she's like an octopus, she keeps sucking me back, I'm about to push her back really hard when she turns around and her fake as squeaky mouse voice spoke.

"What? Can't you see I'm busy here?" She screeched out. I not even joking I wanted to go down on my knees and block my ears, anything to get away from this whore.

And that's when I saw her. Natalia. I was relived, like really relived that Hulks Cousin stopped her assault on me, but shocked that Natalia saw that. Don't worry, I'll explain everything to her and she'll understand that I didn't do anything, Hulk's cousin just assaulted me.

"Well he" Natalia pointed in my direction "Has my bag, I just came to get it." She looked at me and smiled. I was a little taken back, she didn't even know the story or what happened, but shes willing to let it slide? Thank god! Because I really don't want to experience that again! But I can't really take my chances here.

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