Chapter Thirteen

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It's been a couple of days or so, and Christian and I have settled in...okay...My parents have gone to Europe for a big meeting, but they said that they're going to be back before Lukas and Jules's wedding.

Right now, I'm getting ready for school. After I finished taking a shower, I stepped out and went to find some clothes in my walk-in closet. I threw on simple black skinny jeans and a plain white crop top that shows off my belly button ring I got with my friends -I've been cleaning it almost everyday- and went to do my make up -simple and casual-

After that I put on my black Doc Martens and made my way to the kitchen. To my surprise, I see Christian cooking...

"Morning my beautiful girlfriend" He said with his back turned to me.

"Hi. I thought you already left for school?" I questioned while passing myself up onto the countertop island in the middle of the kitchen.

"And leave my girl here to drive to school by herself? I don't think so. plus it shows all the other guys that your mine." He then turned around and handed me a plate of scrambled eggs.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at his guyness.

"Your such a guy."

He smiled and pecked me on the lips. "Yeah, but I'm your guy, and eat, I made that for you."

When the both of us finished our breakfast we headed to school in Christian's Lamborghini Gallardo -Why are all guys the same-

He drove into RockDale High School, surprisingly not like an ass, but that of course didn't stop people from staring.

"Great. Please tell my why you just had to bring this car." I sighed shaking my head, hating every second of all this attention.

I know wired right, me famous model and everything...Yeah well mom always said if you act like your confident then it will be a whole lot easier. Fact is, I hate it all, the attention and everything, I hate it, if I could I would swap my life for one in a small farm in a heartbeat.

"You don't like attention?" He questioned turning his head to me.

I shook my head no.

"Well get used to it angle." He smirked while stepping out of the car grabbing my bad as well.

Taking a few breaths, I stepped out of the car seeing Christian leaning against my side of the car. When he saw me he smiled and gestured to me with his head, pointing towards the administration block and I nodded slowly I'm return.

"Can I have my bag back?" I asked quietly. Noticing people stopping and staring at Christian and I, they we're whispering, but I really didn't need to stop and listing to them gossiping about the new kids, so I just continued to walk with Christian.

"Nahh, because if I do give it back to you, you might just run back to the car with it, so until we get to our lockers, I'm going to hold on to it." He said with a smirk.

I pouted and decided to trail behind him.

"Aww come on babe." He teased and held out a hand waiting for me.

I smiled sweetly back at him, looked at his outstretched hand and walked straight past him.

"Aww come on babe." I mocked him, but kept walking not even sparing him a glance.

But not a second later, he was in step with me.

"Your mean." This time he pouted.

I raised an eyebrow at him but continued walking.

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