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"And your dislikes?"


Naruto looked heartbroken, but I don't blame him...
It must be hard to know that your crush hates you.

"Okay... blondie?"! Kakashi sensei then asked Naruto.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant ramen! Especialy Ichirakus ramen! (Is that what its called...?) I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you cooked it... my hobbies are tasting different ramen and comparing them! And my dream for the future-", Naruto was cut off by me.

"To become a noodle...?", I taunted.

"No!", Naruto started talking again,"My dream is to become the hokage, so everyone would stop disrespecting me and look up to me!"

"Very interesting", Kakashi stated,"You, Uchiha?"

"My name is Sasuke uchiha. I don't feel like telling you my likes or dislikes.
Neither my hobbies. And my dream for the future isn't a dream, because I'll make it a reality. Its to kill a certain someone...", Sasuke finished, leaving tension in the air.

Naruto's Pov

'I hope he doesn't mean me..'

Sakura's Pov

'Sasukes so hot!'

Your Pov

'Hmm... interesting'

"Cloaky, what about you?"
You sweatdropped at this. (Not that they can see it, though)

"Okay, first of all, my name isn't cloaky, its [Y/N] I like many things, not right now though. Currently, I dislike many things. My hobbies... it depends... and my dream for the future.."

Your eyes widened, and you gasped, memories that you haved forgoten were flooding back to your mind...


"Mommy... daddy... what's happening?", you asked, looking at your parents who were petrefied of something.

"Stay inside, daddy and me are going on an... errand.", Your mom told you.

"Okay!", You smiled.

They left, but after 2 hours, they didn't come back.

You got worried, so you left outside to look for them.

(I'm changing the story line a little)

Outside, you saw many dead bodies.

Horrified, you backed away, but bumbed into someone.

You turned around, looking at what once used to be your friend.

Your friend had blood in his arms.

You don't remember that clearly, but he had blond hair and blue eyes.
Red/orange chackra was surrounding him...

Looking as if it was controling him.
He had 8 tails behind him, but it seemed like one more was growing.

"Why!", you screamed.
He looked at you, his eyes clouded with the urge to kill.

He was getting closer, until a building fell ontop of you, leaving you unconsious.

You then woke up in a hospital, not remembering what had happened.

End of timeskip

"Hello! Hey, ugly, you where going to tell us what your dream was! I want to get this over with!", Sakura said.

Your eyes darted toward Naruto for some reason.

You blinked, and looked back at kakashi.

"My dream..", you started, "Dreams are just a waste of time."

Phew! Finally finished!
Hope you enjoyed!

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