Welcome To the Madness

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This was made by my co-owner, Fujo. Lolol, hope you enjoy~~

(Fiji apparently is Fujo, and I am Ephididmyiti)
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Y/N: lol i wanna stab someone lol maybe myself lol maybe naruto lol

Naruto: wtf why me have you lost evry bit of ur sanity i did'n do shiet

Sasuke: stab naruto hes a baka

Naruro: but i hthouht we were somethnig ;(

Sasugey: no u baka bih

Fiji: lol i ship dont u kakashi

Kakashit: no miss me wit taht gay shit

Epididymitis: y is kakashit so homopfhic smh

Fiji: ikr lo,,llol

Y/N: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Nariro: ughg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i wan t to dei

Sasassygay: loooollll look

Fiji: lmao how the fuck do you say a picture

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Fiji: lmao how the fuck do you say a picture

Kakashit: lol idddk

Ehphidion: lol why did you decide to put me in this crackfic, FUjo? I really want to escape this hell.

Fujioshi: lol no welcome to the madness. we haev kookies and kakashi you're stayign here lmao

Sasuguay: ...

Narayetol: anyways, why can sasugye say pictoures?

Sasuke: I'm actually self aware. That's why I can say pictures.

Fiiiji, KAkashit, Narurroeo, Ephaesddi, y/N: *le gasp*

o no what will happned next

tuune in for aaaaaaan-odther crakckafaic madees by fiji

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