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Alec's POV
She's gone. Gold was behind me and I know she was saying something, but everything was blurred. My hearing, my vision... Wiping away a few of my tears, I checked for a pulse again. Nothing. I still can't believe she's dead. "Funneh... wake up..." I whispered, my voice shaking. Gold placed a warm hand on my shoulder and a few of her tears dropped onto my knee. "Funneh... wake up... please..." I repeated. There's nothing I want more than for Funneh to wake up. To be alive. And for the last time, I pulled her limp head up to mine and kissed her. And then she kissed me back. This time, I wasn't going delusional. I pulled away from her and her eyes were half open and blood was spilling from her nose and ears. She's alive, SHE'S ALIVE! Speechless, my mouth spread into a smile. Gold was screaming in joy behind me, but I paid no attention to that. I helped Funneh sit up. "You're... alive!" I exclaimed. She opened her mouth, but instead of saying something, she just smiled. "Can you talk?" "Yeah, it kinda hurts..." Her voice was raspy and quiet. "Okay. I'm going to take you to the hospital in a second, okay?" I said, trying to comfort her. A few tears slipped from her eyes, soon turning orange from mixing with blood. She nodded. Filled with happiness, I ran into the house, dropping Maura's knife at the door, dabbed with Gold's blood from the cut. I sprinted up the stairs. I opened Funneh's door and Maura was banging her fist against the wall, screaming like a child. "Shut up." I muttered. She stood up and faced me. "I'm going to kill you." She threatened. "No. I'm taking you to the police. Right now. There's a station right down the road. Now then;" I swiftly grabbed her hands before she could make a move. She stubbornly strangled to get free, but my grasp was stronger than her. I forcefully pulled her out of the room, down the stairs, and kicked her in the shin when she tried to get the knife with her foot. Coming around back, I called to Gold. "Got any rope or something to tie her hands with?" Gold nodded and pointed to the garage. "It should be in the very back by my yellow bicycle." I thanked her with a nod and rushed towards the garage. After tying Maura's hands, I took her arm and led her back outside. Funneh was lying on the ground staring at the sky, so I don't think she saw Maura. "Gold, can I ask you a huge favor and have you drive her to the police station. I saw one when I was running here." Gold walked towards me. "I don't trust her." She stuck her finger at Maura and leaning her head out, she bit Gold's finger. "OW! See what I mean?!" "Just throw her in the backseat. I'm taking Funneh to the hospital." "You can take her to the po-" "No, I'm a wanted criminal and they'll recognize me! Now go! I'm taking Funneh's car, by the way." And with that, I shoved Maura towards her and walked up to Funneh, offering my hand. "Think you can stand?" I asked. She tried to stand, but she crumpled to the ground. "No, I think I broke my ankle. It really hurts." Understandable. I lifted her back and carried her bridal style, making sure not to cut my arm on the many shards of glass in her back. I carried her into her sliver car and she handed me the keys that were in her pocket the whole time. I started the car and we drove to the hospital.

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