Chapter 15 A Teen's Unrelenting Odyssey

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Valentine Winters P.O.V

His expression was a whirlwind of emotions—shock, confusion, and then, anger. It was like watching a storm brew in his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here?" His voice was sharp, accusatory, and he pointed a finger at me as if I were some sort of intruder. My eyes flicked to his hand, where a ring—bearing my name—gleamed back at me.

The tension was palpable, especially with his girl standing right there, clueless about the tangled web of our past.

"You know her?" she asked, her gaze bouncing between us.

"Shut up, Red." Lucifer snapped, his voice a growl.

"Class. Now. Stop using my name to get your way." His tone was final, and she huffed, strutting off with her friends, leaving us alone in the hallway.

"So?" Lucifer took a step toward me, and I found myself instinctively backing up, my spine pressing against the cold metal of the locker.

"Studying." I said, trying to sound casual, but the tightness in my chest betrayed me.

"Why here? It's dangerous. My dad thinks you're dead." he said, and his words dripped with more than just concern—there was something darker, more complex beneath the surface.

"I don't want to see you here." he added, his voice cold and detached, like he was trying to sever whatever thread still connected us.

"Suit yourself," I muttered under my breath, my words barely audible, but they seemed to reach him. He clenched his jaw, turned, and walked away without another word.

The rest of the day was a blur of awkward silences and stolen glances in the classes we shared. He ignored me, but it wasn't the kind of indifference you could just brush off—it was deliberate, cutting, and it hurt more than I wanted to admit.

When I got home, my dad asked if I'd made any new friends. I just sighed. If only he knew.

The next morning, P.E. was my first class, and I found myself facing Red. There was an unspoken tension between us, a silent battle of wills as she sized me up.

As I moved to pass her, she muttered under her breath, "Get out of my way, slut."

My patience snapped. "What's your problem?" I shot back, glaring at her.

"Dirty bitch." she hissed, her eyes narrowing with undisguised hatred.

I rolled my eyes, but before I could move, Lucifer was suddenly there, standing in front of me like some kind of dark shadow.

"Get up." he ordered; his voice flat, devoid of any warmth.

"Why?" I asked, frowning at him, confused and a little angry.

"You're creating a scene." he accused, his eyes cold as ice.

"She called me a dirty bitch," I retorted, my frustration bubbling over.

"Aren't you?" he shot back, and something inside me snapped. He had no right—none.

My wolf, fed up with the injustice, took control before I could even think. In a flash, I had tackled him to the ground, my fists flying, landing blows that left bruises blooming on his perfect face.

Strong arms grabbed me from behind, pulling me off him, but not before I saw him spit out blood, his expression twisted in pain and shock.

The coach stormed in, taking in the scene with a disapproving glare. "Explain yourselves." he demanded, looking between us.

I didn't realize my ring had fallen off until someone mentioned it. "Look, her ring bears Lucifer's name." A few gasps followed the disclosure.

I walked over to the girl who was holding it and extended my hand for her to place it on my palm, which thankfully she did, without hesitation.

"She's obsessed of him." I heard another state a rumor creating a series of whispers to believe it as I placed the ring back on my finger.

"She hit me because I rejected her." Lucifer lied, wiping blood from his lip, adding to the rumor.

My mouth fell open in disbelief, but before I could defend myself, the coach cut me off. "Both of you—detention after school."

"Wait, he's wearing one too." Someone else pointed out to his hand which turned into fists after that revelation.

Red immediately took his hand and inspected the ring, noticing that it bore my name.

"Are you married to her?" She asks in disbelief and confusion.

"Enough! Make some runs now." Our coach interrupted.

Detention was a quiet hell. Lucifer sauntered in late, a hamburger in hand, completely unbothered by the chaos he'd caused. The coach, apparently indifferent to our history, handed out punishment like it was some kind of twisted joke, forcing us into an uneasy truce.

As I sat there, the memories of our tangled past played in my mind—the torture, the rescue, the forced marriage, and his brutal rejection. And now here we were, pretending to be strangers, yet bound by a history that neither of us could escape.

After detention, I walked down the empty hallway, my footsteps echoing off the walls. I was lost in thought when suddenly, a figure stepped out of the shadows. Before I could react, a cloth was pressed against my face, and the world started to spin. Black spots danced before my eyes, and I felt consciousness slipping away.

When I woke up, I was tied to a chair in a room that sent chills down my spine—Lucifer's room. The chains around me were tight, unforgiving, and the air was thick with the scent of fear.

Why is this happening again? I thought, panic rising as I struggled against the restraints.

Lucifer stepped out of the shadows, a sharp blade glinting in his hand. He twirled it casually, his expression cold and distant. "You had your chance, Valentine." he said, his voice a chilling whisper. "Now, you'll pay for it."

Terror gripped me as the room seemed to close in around me. The past was repeating itself, dragging me back into a nightmare I thought I'd escaped. But this time, there was no one to save me, no one to stop the blade from cutting deeper than ever before.

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