The Night Out

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I texted her back the next day.
"Hey I got your text but I was really tired and I fell asleep. Um yeah sure I would totally love to go to the theaters one night with you."
I got out of bed and went to my bathroom. I don't know how but I forgot my phone on my bedside table, but as I was getting ready I heard it ring.
"Ah shit how'd I forget my phone," I said. I hurried and washed my face and got my daily make up and picked up my phone. It rang just as I grabbed it; it was Diana.
"Hey Diana, I was about to text you back."
"Hey Hazel, I was starting to think you got kidnapped or something,"she joked and I laughed.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"Today I won't be able to work on your leg today. I'll be doing some late night studying. So yeah long night ahead of me."
"Oh alright so when do you want to go see the movie?" I asked
"How about Saturday night? We could catch a dinner before the movie and go to the movie after that."
"Yeah sure sounds great talk to you later then bye," I replied.
"Bye talk to you later,"
That Saturday at about 5 in the afternoon I started getting ready. I put on some shorts and a light blue blouse. I put my hair back in a small ponytail bun. As I was putting on some light make up I get a call.
"Hey Hazel, you almost ready? I'm almost to your house."
"Um yeah just need to finish my makeup and I'll be ready."
"Alright then I'll see you see you in a few minutes."
When she got there I was waiting outside. As she got out of her truck I briefly thought of how I was going to get on. Diana must have heard what I was thinking because immediately she said, "don't worry. I'll lift you into my truck then I'll put the chair in the back.
"Oh that makes sense but can you carry me? I mean even without my legs I am quite heavy."
"Oh please I have had to lift boxes of pieces for my prototypes twice your weight," she said as she picked me up and took me to her truck. As she did this I couldn't help but notice that she was as strong as she said.
"Add that to the list of things this girl can do," I thought to myself. I mean she's an engineer, a doctor, she can sail a boat, and we have so many things in common.
We had dinner at one of my favorite buffet, an Asian all you can eat buffet.
"Wow this place is amazing!" stated Diana as we walked in.
"Yeah it's amazing. I've been coming here since this place opened, years ago."
We were sat down and I asked for a pink lemonade while Diana asked for a raspberry iced tea.
"You go ahead and get your food first, I'll wait for the drinks," I offered.
"Why don't you go first?"
"I take too long to get what I'm going to eat first and now I'll take longer with this chair."
"Oh alright then I'll be back," she said.
As I sat there a little kid ran up to me and asked "what happened to your legs?" I was taken so aback that I didn't know what to say. I just sat there surprised.
"I um - I er,"
"Jimmy how dare you? I know I raised you to be better than that," an enraged woman which I could only assume was the child's mother asked as she came up to my table.
"I am extremely sorry for my son's rude behavior. He's never like this, at least not usually," the mother apologized.
"No it's ok I'm used to it kinda," I said.
"Jimmy apologize to this woman for what you said."
"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to be so rude,"
"No no it's alright, don't worry about it,"
The mother took her kid back to their table and Diana came back from picking out her plate of food.
"Hey what happened right now? I heard the mother tell at her child but I couldn't tell why,"
"Don't worry about it. It- it was nothing,"
I grabbed my chair and went off to get my food. I came back to the table and we started to eat. As the dinner when by we kept talking about things. After we finished up with some desert and an ice cream cone we headed to the movie theater. There was this new Marvel and DC movies cross over which was pretty cool. Halfway through the movie I was getting cold and I had forgotten to grab a jacket.
"Brrr, Diana I am freezing. Between the lemonade from earlier, the soda I'm drinking right now, and the air conditioning in here which seems like they want to freeze us I can't help but feel this cold," I whispered.
"Wow you're such a baby it's not even that cold."
"Maybe not for you but for me it's freezing,"
Diana couldn't help but have a small quiet giggle. It was the same giggle that made me blush a few days ago and it did the same this time, good thing that it was to dark for anyone to notice.
"Here you can borrow my sweater," she offered as she took off her sweater.
"Are you sure? Won't you get cold?" I asked I hesitantly took it.
"Nope I don't get cold that easy so just take it,"
"Oh alright then," I grabbed the sweater.
I don't want this to sound weird but, when I put on her sweater it was so warm it felt good. It also smelled like the perfume that she wore. It was amazing but I just couldn't figure out why I felt the way I did.
When the movie ended we headed out when I looked at the time and realized it was still early. So I decided to show Diana a part of me she still hadn't met: my competitive gamer side!
"Hey Diana since it's still early how about we go to the arcade for an hour or two?"
"Yeah sure why not, just be careful I'm very competitive,"
"Well then that makes two of us," I laughed.
The next two hours we spent playing games. I dominated her at air hockey but she was better than me at shooting games. The only games I was unable to play that I would have for sure won against Diana were the racing games and the dancing games. I was really disappointed but I still watched as Diana recked kid after kid as they challenged her in races. She had one of the accounts that you can make on the game consoles and she was really high level with her own personalized car.
After we decided to call it quits and head home, so we cashed in our tickets, got our prizes and headed out.
"You know I've got to say that I've enjoyed tonight, thank you for inviting me," I said.
"Thank you for agreeing to come and offering to play a little while in the arcade. That's the most fun I've had in a while,"
"We've got to do this more often," i suggested.
"We should, but for now let's focus on those legs ok? I noticed that you missed those racing games and you kept looking at the rhythm dancing games. So until we at least get a successful start of some prosthetics we won't be doing anything that requires you having legs. How does that sound?" she asked.
"You would do that for me?"
"Of course I would, i wouldn't want you to feel left out in some way."
"Thank you so much really," I said.
"It's nothing. Now how about we take you home?"
"That's a good idea," I yawned.
I fell asleep on the way back home because the casino we went to was a half hour away from here I lived. When we got to my house Diana woke me up, got me out of the truck, placed me in my wheelchair, and made sure I made it inside ok. I hadn't noticed then but she had let me stay with her sweater. As I lay in bed falling asleep I realized this but figured it was late and she was probably tired.
"I'll text her about it tomorrow or something," I thought to myself.
Without realizing I feel asleep cuddling up with the sweater and smelling the leftover fragrance of her perfume. And by now it seemed like a habit that I fell asleep with her in my mind.

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