The First Step

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We kept improving and improving the prosthetics and soon we had the part that connected to my leg entirely completed. I went into the surgery and when I woke up I had the weirdest sensation on my leg. I was able to feel again. I felt my toes. I felt my feet. I felt every single part of my legs that were missing, I could feel. I look down and I could see the newest model of prosthetics Diana had perfected. I'm enjoying the moment I'm living when at that second I hear my mom's voice shouting at who sounded to be an upset Diana with my sister trailing behind standing up for Diana.

"How could you do this operation on her without telling me. I was never even told when it was going to be," she accused Diana.

"Mom its-" Jorali started.

"And you! How could not tell me about this. You, your sister, and her," she said pointing at Diana, "have been planning this for weeks as I was told by the doctor!"

That's when they walk into my room. All three look at me and they know immediately that I had heard everything they had shouted. My mom is about to step towards me when I raise my hand and stop her in her tracks.

"So is that really what you think about this entire thing mom, really? You can't stand the fact that we didn't tell you about the operation. But what about all the times I tried to get you to come with me to Diana's house and you said no, you said why if it was a waste a time, you said you didn't want to go because it would let hope rise and we would be upset if it never worked." I shot at her.

"Hazel, I - I - I'm sorry,"

"I'm sorry too mom. Greatest moment in my live since I came back and the first thing you do is get mad at the two people who made this moment possible."

My mom didn't respond she just heard what I said and walked out of the room. I'm sure I was, rough on her, and by the look on the faces of Diana and Jorali told me that I was, but I was tired of my mom ignoring and hating what I was doing and, more importantly, what Diana had done for me.

"Well um how about we try out your legs Hazel?" asked Diana.

"Yeah sure let's um let's do this," I said now a bit more calm.

Diana handed me a pair of crutches.

"You may take a while to learn how to walk properly so until you do you will be using crutches to hold you up," commented the doctor as I stood for the first time in months.

"Usually people take up to a few months learning how to walk with prosthesis but since these are connected to you in a way never done before we really don't know how long it may take you. I say that in a few weeks you should be ready to learning to run," she continued.

"Thank you doctor," I said.

"And you," she said looking at Diana, " take care of her. I heard you are the one who made this piece of amazing technology for your girlfriend -"

"She's not my girlfriend! She's just a friend I really wanted to help," Diana interrupted quickly though you could she her milk chocolate skin turn bright red with a blush. I too turned away to hide a warm feeling in my face. The doctor saw our reaction but said nothing about it.

"Well, as I was saying take care of her. We don't know what this situation may bring so be careful. I would have you come her once or twice a week but it seems Diana can handle you learning to walk. Now if you don't mind I am needed somewhere else." she said with a smile.

Diana took my arm and helped me as I took my first step. I stumbled a bit but stood up straight again and tried my second step.

"So how does it feel?" asked Jorali with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face as she watched.

"Weird, like I'm floating yet I can feel the joints in the legs and on the toes and everything. It's so amazing though."

I knew my mom no matter how upset she wouldn't want to miss this part which meant she was either outside in the halls or in the car, but she would never leave.

"Jorali, could you call mom and tell her to come in?"

"What makes you think she's outside. You were pretty rough on her." asked Diana.

"Our mom is weird like that. She could be furious at us or vise versa and she will still not leave us," explained Jorali.

Diana muttered something under her breath that I couldn't make out, but is sounded like: "must be nice."

I looked at her with a confused face but then my mom walked in.

"I thought that you wouldn't want to miss me walking for the first time," I explained to her.

She smiled at me with tears in her eyes and stood back as I got up and started to walk again.

As it turned out, it took me three weeks to learn to walk properly. After that jogging and running came two weeks later.

I felt better than ever. I was doing things that i missed doing ever since the accident. With Diana, Jorali, most recently my mom being there for me it was amazing. 

And still Diana couldn't help but keep improving the designs of the prosthetic. A few weeks after the operation she had asked me to visit her. I had been planing to... I was about to tell her how I felt.

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