The Party Pt.1

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After our date Diana and I went home to change for the party. I was looking  for a nice dress to wear but couldn't find anything that looked good enough for a party with Diana. Finally I decided on a nice midnight blue dress. It was longer at the back end of the dress to where it just barley touched that floor. In the front it opened and displayed my legs cus why not? I went to go do my make-up, but as I sat down I hear a knock at my door. 

"Come in," I said without looking to see who it was.

I heard the door open and I saw my mom walking in through the reflection on the mirror.

"Hey mom, what's up?" I asked as I looked for some eyeshadow that would go with my dress.

"Nothing, just heard that you were going out a party with Diana . I also heard that you went on a date with her this afternoon." she teased in a playful tone.

"Oh... umm... yeah."

"Hmm and how come I never found out about this?"

"I don't know it was kind of a spur of the moment type of thing. I was just so nervous about asking her that I kind of forgot about telling anyone," I replied sheepishly.

"Hmm. Well ok I just want to tell you that from now on you can trust to talk to me. I don't want what happened with Jorali to happen with you, alright?"

"Alright mom," I responded remembering all to well the drama that happened a few years ago when Jorali found out she was bi.

My mom walked out of the room leaving me to finish getting ready. Finally at around 6 in the afternoon I walked downstairs and saw Diana in her dress and I couldn't help but blush. She was wearing a beautiful red sleeveless dress.

"Hey you," she said as she saw me walking down the stairs.

"Hi Diana. You look amazing in that dress," I commented. I felt myself blush as I continued.

"You don't look bad in that blue dress yourself," she complimented me with a small blush on her face.

"Oh I just NEED to take a picture of this," my mom squealed.

"MOM!" I screamed with embarrassment.

"Alright I'm ok with a picture," replied Diana.

"Fine but no babying us mom," I said.

Mom made us pose for the picture with our arms behind each others back which was kind of awkward but I rolled with it.

Once we were done I grabbed my jacket and and my purse and headed out the door.

"Now you girls be careful and text me if anything happenes alright?"

"Yes Ma'am," I responded.

"We'll be fine Mrs. Sodoma," Diana reasured my mom.

We went to her truck and Diana got to my door and opened it for me. 

"Wow such a gentlewoman," I teased.

"Shut up and get in," she laughed.

"Alright alright."

We drove in silence for a bit watching the city pass by. Then Diana reaches over and on the radio. As luck would have had it one of my favorite songs, Light 'em up by F.O.B, was just starting. Half way through the first verse and I could help it anymore, I started to sing.

" I'm a young lover's rage. Gonna need a spark to ignite!"

I look over to Diana and realize she's trying hard to hold back a laugh. But then she puts on a serious face and starts singing as well.



We were at a red light and this one older man was next to us and apparently we were so loud he heard us because he honked at us looking rather annoyed. We didn't care. We looked straight at him and started up again even louder.


The man just looked away shacking his head and drove off at the green light. Diana and I looked at each other and laughed.

Finally we got to Max and her brother's place. It really did look like a party. There were cars parked up and down the street and there were loud music coming from the house. After we parked we walked in and the first person we bump into was Max and Jorali dancing together.

"Hey girls, having a good time?" started Max.

"Don't know yet, we just got here," I answered.

"Well whatever you guys have fun. You look nice in that dress by the way Diana," said Jorali.

"Thanks Jorali."

As they walked away I looked around and noticed people looking at me and at my legs. I had assumed that this would happen and I had prepared myself mentally for this. that and i was used to it so I didn't mind that much anymore.

"Hey, should I get us some drinks?" asked Diana.

"Yeah, can you get me a soda please?" I said.

"Yeah hang on I'll be back in a bit."

As I watched her leave I started to walk to the dance floor. 

"Hey Hazel!"

I turned around to see who was calling me. I looked and saw that it was one of my old middle school friends, Erick, who I spent most of my time back then.

"Oh my gods it truly is you!" I exclaimed as I walked up to him.

"Yeah, it is me. So how you been. I heard what happened to you over in Russia,"

"Well as you can see I'm a whole lot better than I was before..." I explained.

"I see so your finally able to walk with those legs your friend made you," he said when i finished explaining.

"Yeah who talking about she said she was going to bring me a drink but she hasn't shown up. I'm going to go look for her. See ya later Erick!" I said.

"Yep see ya."

I went to find Diana but i couldn't find her anywhere. I went to the kitchen where the sodas where but she wasn't there, I checked the bathrooms and came up empty. I checked everywhere. Finally I was giving up.

"My gods, where the heck is that girl?" I asked myself.


I turned and saw Jorali and Max running up to me. 

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Umm... it's best if we just showed you ."

They dragged me through the entire party to the backyard where I didn't think of looking because of the smell of cigars and beers and whatnot. But wouldn't you know there was Diana surrounded by a bunch of people in what seemed like a drinking game. 


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