The Party Pt 3.

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I stepped out of the room into the hallway and headed back downstairs. I reached the bottom of the stairs and headed of to the dance floor. I found Jorali immediately. She was dancing but her phone was just starting to ring. I ran towards her and made a signal that Jorali and I had made since we were little. It was signal that meant "lie for me". She saw it and nodded immediately; I reached her with some relief.  It helps being this close to my sister sometimes.

"Hello? Oh hey mom what's up?" she said.

"Hmm Hazel? I think she went up stairs with Diana."

"Oh well yeah they both got a little carried away with a few drinks Hazel being less drunk than Diana helped her up stairs and I haven't checked in on them yet." 

"No mom I'm not covering up for Hazel," answered with a tone of annoyance that would remove all suspicion  from our mother.

"Yeah mom I'll make sure to check on them. Yeah, yup, alright, ok, ok, ok."

She hung up looking annoyed.

"Everything ok?" I asked with a giggle.

"You owe me big time. Now mom thinks I'M going to do the same thing."

"Yeah yeah whatever thanks for covering for me. If mom calls tell her me and Diana are ok. I'm going to grab a drink and head upstairs again, I'll see ya later," I told her.

I found myself one of those frozen margarita pouches, which were some of my favorite, and headed towards the stairs. But as I placed my first step on the stairs I heard a voice I hadn't heard in years. Yet that very voice still sent a chill down my spine.

"Well well well, if it isn't Hazel Sodoma, back from the war I see," the voice behind me stated.

I turned around and faced her.

"Well if it isn't Rachael Heather Duke," I responded.

"I couldn't help but tell that you seem to be walking again," she teased.

This was what pissed me off about Rachael. In high school we had been the two popular girls in school. I was the good popular girl, playing sports, getting straight A's. Rachael in the other hand had been the bad popular girl. She always skipped class, she was caught smoking weed and drinking twice out of the many times she actually did it, and she had been the biggest bully in all of the high school's history. And she had it our for me since I beat her for homecoming duchess, lady, princess, and queen through all of our four years in high school.

"And I couldn't help but notice that you stayed your usual bitchy self," I pointed out. 

"Yeah well at least I have both of my legs," she retorted.

My heart started to race with anger and my head started to hurt with such anger.

"At least when I lost my legs I was doing something for our country. Last I checked losing your virginity at 13 doesn't help anyone at all. And I got my legs back, you in the other hand..."

"Oooh," exclaimed the crowd that had gathered around us.

What more could Rachael do than turn around and leave fuming.

I smirked and walked back up stairs. As I did I couldn't help but feel ashamed of what happened. I had always wanted to put Rachael in her place but this felt wrong. I basically just slut shamed her and that is never right. Either way it was done.

I walked into the room, locked the door and sat at the edge of the bed sipping on my margarita. I sat there for a moment when I heard Diana turn and I faced her. She was still asleep but in the moonlight her skin shined like an angel's. I reached out and touched her check thinking back to the kiss we had no more than an hour ago. 

I finished my drink and laid down. Just as I did someone knocked on the door. I got up and headed towarrd the door.

"Who is it?" I questioned.

"It's Jorali," answered my sister.

"Oh hey what's up?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Nothing just checking in on you. Everyone is leaving so I figured I'd check on you and then head to bed."

"Oh ok. Well I had just gotten in bed. I was going to got to sleep."

"Ok then I'll leave you two to sleep tonight. I'm going to bunk with Max in her room. So yeah I'll see ya later."

"Alright then, sis."

I closed the door and went back to bed.

I sat there once again thinking about the events of just today. I mean I asked Diana on a date, we came to a party together her as my date, I (however brief) stood up to Rachael, and most importantly me and Diana kissed.

I turned to face her and blushed. I couldn't believe that this was the girl that helped me realize I was a lesbian, much less believe that she would also take a liking into me. I was so fortunate to have met, what back when I was a poor girl in a wheelchair, the girl with the glasses. I couldn't have asked for more than that from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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