The Party Pt. 2

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"Eyyy look who it iss!" Diana said in an obvious slurred speech.

I couldn't believe it. She had apparently found an old friend just as I had. The only problem was that this friend had always been a bit of a heavy drinker. And apparently he was able to convince her into a few drinking games.By the looks of it Diana drank a lot of what smelled like vodka.

"I can't believe that you did this!" I laughed.

"What'ss wrong with a few drinks?" she asked

I grabbed her arm and dragged her off back to the inside of the house.

"Nothing is wrong with few drinks but look at yourself!"

"Whaat I'm not that drunk!" she said as she stumbled on her own feet.

"Ok come on let's get you to a room until this passes over," I suggested.

"Ooh look at Hazel trying to get me into a room with her by ourselves," She said stupidly drunk.

"Yeah yeah shut up and see if you can help me find Max or Jorali," I said.


I found them both just inside the house.

"Hey, Max would you mind me borrowing one of the rooms upstairs so that I could help Diana with her drunkenness?" I asked

"Yeah sure go on up stairs and use the room with the bathroom I have a feeling you might need it." she added with a giggle.

"Thanks," I chuckled.

I guided Diana upstairs and found the room that Max was talking about. It was pretty big with a king sized bed and a walk-in closet.

"Ok come on let's get you in the bed," I told Diana. She giggled when I said that.

"Yeah yeah I heard it too just shut up and lay down."

I put her down and tried my best to place her in a comfortable spot. Not easy when she's drunk. When I finished I looked down at her.

"So what are you going to do with me, I mean now that you have me in bed?" She asked in a playful teasing tone.

"Diana stop acting so horny!"

"Why? I like acting horny when I'm drunk cus then I don't remember any of it afterwards," she giggled.

"Whatever just lay there until this passes over, ok?" I asked her.


We sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"So how you feeling?" I asked stupidly hoping to get ride of the awkward moment of silence we were having.


"Yeah I can imagine someone this drunk must feel like that when the excitement is over," I said.

"Oh well, I mean besides that. Things at home haven't been the best."

"You mean with your boat or something like that?" I questioned confused as Diana had never mentioned anything about trouble at home.

"No no no I mean with my mom. Before I met you I had just moved out of her house a few weeks before but it wasn't on the best of terms."

"And why is that?"

"You see my mom has always been a judgmental person. And it got worse when she found out I was a lesbian. The day I moved out we were having a fight over my job and studies at the hospital. She said that it was a waste of time and that I shouldn't continue what I was doing. I got mad at her and left."

I thought about this for a moment, realizing what Diana was telling me was real serious.

"And now that I've been living in my dad's boat she wants to sue me and have the boat and the money that her gave me for herself, claiming that it was supposed to be meant for her."

At this point Diana's eyes were watery.

"And since I just had this breakthrough with your prosthetics she might use that against me and say that I don't need the money. I don't mind having her coming to my boat and apologizing even if it was just to ask for m-money if she needed it. B-but she just going to go and take the money and the boat away." She was in a full blown fit of tears.

I got close to her and hugged her real tight.

"Well guess what?"

"W-What?" she asked in between breathes.

"It's my turn to help you. My mom is a lawyer well she was, until the law firm she worked for shut down, but she is a legal adviser nowadays."

Diana pulled back and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Would you really do this for me?"

"Of course I would, after everything you've done for me. Tell me why wouldn't I help you?"

"Oh my gods thank you so much,"

At this moment she did something unexpected. She leaned over and kissed me right one the lips. I was surprised for a bit but immediately I gave in. She had used cherry flavored lip gloss that which was lucky for me because I never liked the flavor of vodka. I preferred tequila. Anyways we kept kissing and I could tell that I wasn't the only one that was enjoying the kiss.

Finally she pulled away and looked at me.

"Sorry was that to forward?" she asked sheepishly.

I was short on breath and had a hard time answering, I was also really caught up in the moment to think of a proper answer.

"N-n-no not at all."

"Good cus this may be."

"What is?"

"I have to throw up."

I rushed her to the toilet in the bathroom and held her hair up as she emptied herself of the alcohol in her body.

After I helped her on the bed again and sat with her until she fell asleep. I got my phone out and texted my mom.

Hey mom so me and Diana had a few drinks extra and we won't be able to go home tonight.

She replied a few moments later.

Oh honey I knew this was going to happen. Where are you going to stay tonight then?

We're going to borrow a room here at Max's brother's place and sleep here. I replied.

Are you sure? you don't want me to come pick you girls up?

No thanks, Diana already fell asleep and I don't want to wake her up.

Ok but be careful and text me if you change your mind ok, sweetie?

Yes ma'am.

I put my phone away and looked at Diana. She looked so peaceful when she's asleep, it's hard to believe she's been going through so much at home. I thought back at what she told me and realized that I forgot to tell my mom about Diana's situation.

"Oh well I'll tell her tomorrow. Now I'm going to find Jorali to tell mom the same thing I told her," I thought

I walked to the door and went to go look for Jorali and Max.

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