Chapter Two

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The next morning, I had a really rude awakening. Since my alarm clock was right next to my bed my ear was right next to my clock and the noise it made was really loud. When It went off, I bolted up and my first action was slamming my fist on it, nearly breaking it. Thankfully, that stopped it and I frowned, just staring at it angrily. Reluctantly, I got out of my warm bed and opened up my window to let some fresh air in, which was an old habit since I'm used to living in cities.

I stretched and just stared at the time. 6:30am, hopefully just early enough to get ready and maybe even text some of my old friends. I sighed and started to decide what to wear. I ended up picking out a red t shirt, jeans and sneakers.

I do not have a sense of fashion. Even if my life depended on it. Mother always joked that it was something my father ingrained into my DNA since Kaiju have no need for clothes.

It did not take me long to get dressed, since I've had to be a really quick dresser due to having to wake up before the sun. Just as I was done getting my pants on, a shadow passed my window

Maybe whatever was at my window yesterday came back. I wondered, looking out of my window. Of course I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, just some kids passing by. Probably heading to school to have breakfast there instead of home. I stuck my head back into my house and went downstairs for some food. I was hungry.

When I got downstairs, I was met with with a surprise. There was already bacon and eggs on the table. There was also a note next to the plate. Curious, I picked up the note.

Sorry I couldn't stay long enough to say good morning. I woke up late and had to hurry to my new job. Hope you like the food. If I'm not home before 5:00, feel free to make yourself something. If you need anything, there's a list of phone numbers on the fridge of my old friends. Love you. The note was signed by my mother. I smiled. I was glad that she at least made me breakfast. A part of me wondered what time was "late" when when it came to her new job, but most of me was happy I didn't have to spend time making food. I sat down and started eating, making a note that I should thank mom later.

When I was done, I cleaned up my plate and looked at the clock. It said 7:20am. I was going to have to hurry if I wanted to be on time for my first day of high school. I went to my bedroom, checked to make sure I had all of my stuff already in my bag. Thankfully, I did. I grabbed my backpack, my phone, my keys and and I headed out the door, locking It behind me.

The school wasn't very hard hard to find, since It was the biggest building in this tiny town. I could even see it from my bedroom window if I looked in the right direction. Another reason why it was easy to find was there was a lot of kids walking to school, so I just had to follow them to get there. I was very observant of my surroundings, and I figured that most of the kids here were freshman, like me.

How can I tell? Most of them looked scared or nervous as we approached our looming doom. It wasn't until later just as the sun was coming out when I got there, and already I felt like I wanted to go home when I saw who was greeting us there. It was the bane of my existence as my status as a general outcast. Most of them where blonde, sparkly and unnaturally skinny and based on their outfits I knew they were cheerleaders.

I felt a pit of dread grow in my stomach as I approached them. They were cheering for us, trying to reassure us that everything was going to be fine and that these next four years are going to be the best of our lives. Their faces didn't say that, though. To me, it almost looked like they were thinking, Ugh, who are these losers?

I know it sounds rather harsh, but I've never had a good experience with cheerleaders. Not once. They usually either pick on me for being nerdy and "one of the guys" or simply because I look strange.

Anyways, I passed by them as quickly as possible and got inside the school. I sighed in relief that I had managed to get past them unscathed, and I followed the signs that were pointing to the Gym, where I was told all of our schedules were. I walked into the gym, and sure enough, it was already chaos and the school year hadn't even officially started yet. Boys were pushing each other around and girls were on the sidelines cheering them on. I figured that everyone already knew each other, after all, this is a small town.

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