Chapter Thirteen (Ame)

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I lost her. I fucking lost a half Kaiju. How? I have no idea.

How it happened was is I saw Sorcha throw a giant metal pole at one of the two Kaiju, and then... I couldn't find her again. I figured that, since the two were both walking outside of Agono, she had gotten both of their attentions and was now leading them into the desert.

Shit! I can't help her if I'm here! I thought, just about to run after them, but someone grabbed my arm. I looked to see who it was, and to my surprise, it was Heather, Sorcha's mom.

"If you want to fight, then come with me." She said, leading me towards the car.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. Heather looked behind her shoulder.

"Weapons, armor, and hopefully reinforcements." She said. That got my attention.

"Alright, and where are we gonna get those?" I asked. Heather smiled.

"The KADT Base, where else?" She asked. To my surprise, she lead me to her car. I frowned, thinking that it would take too long to get to the Base by car, since it's out in the desert.

"Heather, no offence, but I don't think your car is fast enough." I pointed out, confused. Heather smiled at me.

"Who says it's a car?" She asked, mischievously. She then pulled out a small, silver sheet thing, and she pressed a big black button on it, and in a blink of an eye, her car was no longer a car. It was a KADT jet.

"Holy shit." I muttered, very surprised. Heather smiled.

"Yeah, I'm very proud of my car." She said, opening up one of the doors. With a little hesitation, I hopped into the car. Heather hopped into the driver's seat, and turned on the car-turned-jet, and in less than a minute, we were flying off towards the KADT Base.

When we landed, everyone was scrambling to get everything in order so they could go and fight the two Kaiju. In no time flat, Heather got me a gun, a suit of fireproof armor and even gave me my own emergency bag, since who knows how Kaiju fights will go. Oddly enough, I didn't see Damian, but I hoped he was just with Nathan, Aiden and the rest of the gang.

Heather just didn't grab herself a normal gun, though, she also grabbed a large tranquilizer gun. At first, I just thought it was for the two Kaiju, but when she lead me outside and to the back of the Base, I had the feeling that the gun wasn't for the two Kaiju.

"I thought we were gonna go and fight the two Kyoryu!" I pointed out.

"We are, we're just gonna go get one last thing. Reinforcements." Heather said. That confused me.

"We already have reinforcements!" I pointed out. Heather looked at me, all serious like.

"I'm not talking about the KADT." She whispered, pointing behind her. I looked to where she was pointing, and I suddenly understood.

"Why is Fyrono outside, in a cage with metal bars? He can easily break out of that!" I whispered back, getting the feeling that she wanted me to stay quiet.

"Because the KADT is making him a special cage to decrease chances of him breaking out." Heather said.

"Now come on, help me to the side so we don't alert the guards."

After a little bit of rock climbing, we managed to get to the side Fyrono's cavern-turned-cage, and Heather cocked her gun.

"Is that really necessary?" I asked.

"We have some... unfinished business." Heather whispered. She beckoned me forward and we both came out of the shadows. I heard Fyrono sniff in.

"I'd know that scent anywhere." Fyrono said, keeping his voice low. He looked at Heather with a surprisingly loving gaze.

"One chance, Fyrono. Lie to me, and I shoot." Heather threatened, lifting the scope on her gun to her eye to show that she wasn't playing around. Fyrono chuckled.

"I wouldn't doubt it." He said, smiling happily. Heather awkwardly readjusted her gun.

"Did you, or did you not send those two Kyoryu who are trying to kill my daughter?" Heather asked. Fyrono let out an angry puff of air.

"Algaroth and Terintym. Traitors, the both of them." Fyrono muttered.

"Answer the question." Heather demanded, her voice cracking a little.

"No, I did not send them, but I did figure they would come after her. They never thought I was fit to rule, and after I claimed Sorcha as my heir, that only made them want me dethroned more, and Sorcha gone." Fyrono said. Heather lowed her gun.

"Is that why you let them take you?" Heather asked. Fyrono nodded.

"Yes. I knew I needed to stay close, to protect her. I did not realize they would attack so soon." He rumbled.

"So, you'll help?" Heather asked. Fyrono nodded again.

"You better, mister, or gods help me I will pull out every single one of your scales." I muttered under my breath. At first Fyrono seemed very surprised at what I said, but then he smiled.

"You are definitely your mother's kid." He said. That was a little odd, since my mother acts nothing like me.

Maybe she acted differently when she was younger? I wondered. Fyrono looked up at the cave ceiling.

"Watch out." Fyrono warned before he suddenly shot up, destroying the cavern ceiling. The KADT was definitely not expecting Fyrono to suddenly burst out of his cage, since most of the agents that's where guarding his cell where definitely slow to realize what was happening. When they did, it was too late. Fyrono had squashed all of the tanks and vehicles, and had put his hand down so Heather and I could ride on his hand. Without hesitation, Heather and I hopped on, and we went into the desert, where I can hear Sorcha fighting Algaroth and Terintym.  

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