Chapter Twenty Three

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Against my mother's wishes, I did end up staying all night. It wasn't entirely my fault, though. It had happened around eight at night, right in the the middle of a round of an old Spyro game we had found hidden in the butt ton of Ame's drawers. Ame had gotten a text, so she handed me the old GameCube controller and I took the lead. I heard Ame sigh, and that seemed to send alarms through my head.

"What is it?" I asked, trying my best to split my attention between her and the game.

"I got a text from Aiden. He says he needs our help." Ame said. I frowned.

"Is it a Kaiju?" I asked. I heard Ame let out a chuckle.

"No. Apparently Aiden went to go to the store to get food, leaving Nathan at his house. Somehow, Nathan had gotten a hold of Jake's vodka or something, and he... Well, drank it. He's now drunk, and he was thinking about bring him over here so he'd have our help and so he could get checked over by my mother." Ame explained. I had to pause to understand what she was saying.

"Nathan's drunk?!" I asked, dropping the controller.

"Yeah. Come on, we can't leave Aiden to do this alone." Ame said, getting up and putting on a jacket.

"Alright, fine. I'll go get my jacket." I said, turning back to the T.V so I could pause the game. I let out a frustrated sigh when I saw something had killed poor Spyro while I wasn't looking.

Once we had explained the situation to Ame's mother, Alex, and got her permission, we rushed over to Nathan's house as fast as we could. Somewhere along the way Ame got tired, so I ended up having to carry her on my back the rest of the way. Not like I blame her. If I was a normal human I probably wouldn't gotten tired too since Nathan's house is a twenty minute walk just from the school and all uphill. Just like Aiden since they live in the same area.

Once I spotted Nathan's rock driveway, I set Ame down and we rushed to the door, only stopping to knock a couple of times on the rotten door. I heard feet shuffling from the other side before the door opened. I was happy to see it was Aiden and not Wendy or Jake.

"Oh good, you guys got here." Aiden said, sounding relieved. He stepped out of our way so we could come in, and we did. I flinched when Aiden closed the door with a loud BANG, but since no one else reacted I figured it was just me.

"How is he?" Ame asked, trying to find Nathan in the mess that was his house.

"He's kind of a babbling idiot right now, but other then that I think he'll be okay." Aiden said. Almost as if on cue, I heard a low groaning noise coming from the bathroom. Out of curiosity, I began to stalk the noise, and I cautiously opened the door. Sure enough, it was Nathan. Laying on the floor, half conscious.

"Aiden, he's kind of on the floor half conscious." I pointed out. I watched as Aiden's eyes grew wide as he rushed over to me to see for himself. Before I got barreled over, I lept out of the way.

"Nathan! What happened? Don't tell me you drank more?!" Aiden cried out. The only response we could get out of poor Nathan was him wearily looking up and letting out another low groan.

"Okay, we should probably get him to my mom, just in case he has alcohol poisoning." Ame piped up.

"I second that." I said. Aiden gave us a nod in agreement.

"Okay. We can take my truck. You guys can stay and watch him until I get back, right?" Aiden asked.

"Yup. Don't worry about a thing. He'll be fine." Ame reassured him. Aiden gave us a look of relief.

"Thanks guys. You two are lifesavers." He said, rushing out the door to grab his truck.

It didn't even take Aiden five minutes. I had just gotten Nathan slung over my shoulder when I heard the familiar roar of his truck's engine. I had Ame open up the door for me so we could meet up with him.

"Is he doing alright?" Aiden asked, looking at us through his front window.

"I guess we'll know when we get to Ame's." I said, placing Nathan in the front passenger seat next to him. Once Aiden had him buckled in and us in the back we took off. I was carefully watching him from the back seat, praying that Nathan doesn't throw up everywhere.

"Smart thinking for you three to bring him here." Ame's mom said, checking Nathan's pupils. Which thankfully seemed to be working alright. Then again, I'm no doctor.

"Will he be okay?" Aiden asked, sounding worried as he fidgeted with a pencil.

"He'll be fine. Thankfully he doesn't have alcohol poisoning, but it would be a smart idea if you kept him here so I can check on him if something does happen." She said. Aiden gave her a relieved look.

"If you want you can stay too, Aiden." Ame's mother offered.

"Really!? Thanks!" Aiden exclaimed.

"Your welcome. Now, I'm going to catch up on Being Human." She said, removing herself from the scene and closing the door. Ame turned around to look at us.

"So, who wants to play truth or dare?" She asked, an evil grin spreading on her face.

"Dude, really? We already know pretty much everything about each other. Besides, that's childish." Aiden pointed out.

"Not everything. Besides, we know nothing about Sorcha." Ame pointed out.

"The only "big secret" I have is the fact I'm half Kaiju, and everyone in Agono knows that." I said.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun." Ame said, looking like a demon.

"This is stupid." Aiden muttered."It's not too bad. Sorcha, truth or dare?" Ame asked. I thought about it for a moment."Truth." I finally said, even though I had nothing to share. Ame had another evil grin spreading on her face."What was the worst thing you've ever done?" She asked. I had to think on that one. To be honest, I've never really done anything really bad, except for destroying the school Gym by accident. But I got the feeling she wanted to hear something new, something I had never told anyone before. I was about to say that I didn't have anything to share, when my mind did a weird flashback like thing. It took me all the way back to when I was five years old, the day when my kindergarten class took a trip to the Space Needle...  

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