Chapter Fourteen

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Rhythm is gonna hate me when I get back. I thought. As I was running, I had lost my shoes, and since I kept on almost tripping on my dress, I had to rip off the bottom half so it was more like a tank top. Thank god I had been smart and had put on some boy shorts underneath.

The two Kyoryu were thankfully still following me into the desert, where I can fight them as hard as I want without having to worry about innocent humans getting in the way. By now, I had transformed into my Kaiju form, since one, no one will care out here, and two, I am a lot stronger in this form then I am in my human form.

When I finally got deep enough into the desert, I leaped upwards towards the top of a cliff, bounced off of it, and then punched one of the Kyoryu's in the face. His head went backwards a little, and he seemed surprised at how strong I am. His brother tried to see if he could hit me, but I twisted out of the way just on time. I hit the ground pretty hard, but thankfully it didn't hurt. It definitely helped to have scales. The Kyoryu I had punched had slammed his tail at me, but I leapt out of the way.

I'll be honest here, I had no idea how to handle two Kyoryu, so for the most part I dodged their attacks, only hitting them when I was certain I could. Thankfully, I didn't have to do that for long. When dad suddenly leapt over one of the cliffs and pinned down one of them, I was very surprised.

Dad?! I thought, surprised.

Sorcha, run. These two are Algaroth and Terintym, both of them are high ranked commanders. Dad's voice rang through my head. I watched as dad ripped the one under him (Terintym) to shreds while the other Kyoryu (Algaroth) was trying to get dad off of his brother.

No. I thought. No offence, dad, but if they are both high ranking commanders, I doubt you can take them both on at once. Dad stayed silent, and I took that as a signal to attack. I lept up towards the top of a Mesa, and breathed power jets of fire at Algaroth. That got his attention, he looked over to me, let out a deafening roar, before shooting some spikes that were on his tail at me.

Wait, what? Last I checked, Kyoryu didn't have that ability, but then again, I'm also not a Kaiju expert.

As the spikes came closer, I lept off of the Mesa and shot multiple streams of fire at Terintym and his brother, careful not to hit dad. I ran towards them, and I punched Algaroth in the face. Clearly annoyed, Algaroth turned his attention over to me. He smashed his large fist at the ground, barely missing me.

Shit! That was close! I thought.

"HEY!" I heard my mother's voice yell. Out of sheer habit, I looked over to where her voice was coming from, and I saw she was at the top of a Mesa, with Ame. And a entire KADT squad.

"YOU MESS WITH MY KID, YOU MESS WITH ME!" Mom roared, looking very angry. She signaled the tanks to fire at the two Kaiju, and they seemed to fire off everything they had. I heard Algaroth roar in pain at the same time my dad did.

I looked over to where dad was, and I saw Terintym now had dad pinned to the ground, holding his mouth closed and his chest pressed up against dad's. Looking around for some way to get him out of the situation he was in, I saw a large shard of rock sitting nearby. I ran towards it, lifted it up, ran back to where dad and Terintym where, and I threw the shard at Terintym. He roared in pain as the shard lodged into his side, and dad threw him off of him.

We have to finish them now, while they are weakened! Dad commanded.

There has to be another way... I thought. Even though I was pissed off by those two, I really didn't want to kill them. I looked up, and I saw a loose overlook at the top of one of the surrounding Mesa's. Remember my fight way back in the beginning of October, I ran up to it, climbed to the top, and I started hitting it. I had grown a lot stronger since my last fight, so it didn't surprise me that it didn't take very many hits to knock the rocks loose.

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