Chapter Twenty Five

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"SORCHA! SORCHA, SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT!" A voice screamed in my ear. I blinked a few times, clearing my mind of that strange and horrible memory. I felt myself pale as realization slapped me in the face.

"Holy shit." I said breathlessly. Ame and Aiden all gave me a confused look. Nathan was still sitting in Aiden's lap, playing with Aiden's hair clumsily.

"What?" Ame and Aiden asked in unison.

"I burnt down the Space Needle when I was five." The words came out of my mouth quicker than I could catch them. Ame and Aiden gave me a confused look, before Ame burst out laughing.

"Dude, you did what?! When you were five?!" Ame asked, looking like she didn't believe me.

"Yeah. At the time, I thought it was some freak accident, but now I realize that golden flames don't usually show up in any sort of accident." I said, rubbing the back of my head. Ame slumped back into a sitting position as if she had no idea what to think.

"I think I remember reading about that when I was little. You, three other girls and a couple of boys were found at the accident site. You and the three girls weren't hurt from what they could tell, just out cold. The boys were nearly burned to a crisp." Aiden spoke up, slightly distracted since he was trying to untangle Nathan's fingers from his hair. Ame frowned slightly, as if she was trying to remember.

"Yeah, I think I remember that, too. Mom was drinking coffee when it showed up on the news. People kept on thinking it was a Kaiju attack, since there were Fyrono's golden flames, but everyone got really confused when they saw a bunch of Kindergarteners. The KADT wrapped it up pretty quickly though, which confused everyone even more." Ame said.

"Yeah, and that makes sense now. They were trying to cover me up as quickly as possible before anyone or myself would make the connection. Damn, they did a pretty good job, too, now that I think about it." I said, chuckling slightly. I couldn't help but respect the KADT for hiding me from myself for fourteen years. That probably wasn't easy, especially when it comes to self control since what I can tell from Barnes, they all pretty much want me dead. They did take me back inside of the Washington Base, though, ending my brief moment with humans.

We all went silent.

"Well, then. How about Cards against Humanity?" Aiden pipped up, producing a large black box from his pocket. How the hell he managed to fit it there, I may never know. Ame perked up at that.

"Sure!" She said, suddenly jumping to her feet. She came back a few minutes later with even more cards. We gathered them all up and placed them on Ame's dining room table before separating the white cards from the black cards. Aiden was just about to start dealing them out when Nathan spoke up.

"Can I *hic* play too?" Nathan asked, looking not all entirely there. The three of us all exchanged unsure looks, but under some silent agreement, we agreed to let him play anyways. Nathan looked very happy when we gave him ten black cards.

"Dammit!" Ame cried out. We were all stunned. Even drunk off his ass, Nathan had won the game. None of us had gotten one card.

"Dude, I'm impressed." I praised him. Nathan gave me a lopsided smile before leaning back into Aiden's chest, suddenly closing his eyes and falling asleep. Aiden chuckled nervously.

"Well, it looks like another round is out of the game." He said. Ame nodded, looking a little bit disappointed that we couldn't play another round with Nathan. It had been a lot of fun. I glanced over to the clock, and I nearly jumped out of my seat when I saw it was 2am. Four hours until we really had to be up to get ready for school.

"Dude, I think we should all go to bed. We still have school in the morning." I said. Ame let out an annoyed, growly-sigh like noise at the mention of school.

"You know what, I think you're right, Sorcha." Aiden said, carefully holding Nathan bridal style before hauling him off to the couch. Ame didn't look happy about it, but she and I started cleaning up the cards before we met up with them in the living room. Aiden had already went ahead and grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows from a nearby closet, so we were all set. Fatigue suddenly hit me to the core, and I didn't even bother changing out of my clothes before settling down with a pillow and a blanket. The last thing I saw before drifting off was Aiden fussing over Nathan and his blanket, tucking him in thoughtfully before kissing his forehead goodnight. I smiled at that as Aiden rolled over and feel asleep.


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